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RE: Sketching On The Graveyard Shift- A Collection of Portrait Sketches

in #art7 years ago

The 3rd pic looks like Bruce Willis, the 4th one seems t/b Will Ferrell (the comedian); am I right?

ANYHOW, I found it funny when u remarked, "I would always say yes, but what I really wanted to say was, "Nah man, I'm just scratching this drawing someone else did with this pen because it told me it was itchy." <== Too hilarious !

And the bit about that old man where u said, " I remember one old man came in one night and said, " So, you're and artist huh?"

I replied, " Yes sir. On some days."

He looked up at me with a half cocked smile and said, "Well, you're obviously not any good at it or you wouldn't be working here.."

YEAH Right ! This old fart probably could NOT even conceive of us being able to make $$money through an Online Venture, such as #STEEMIT ! It's kinda great, though, ain't it?

Keep Up w/ your antics, yr #Humor and yr drawing . JAN ♥


Yes. Nailed it. Bruce Willis and Will Ferrell.

Yeah that old man was a trip. People say stuff like that a lot. Seems like someone somewhere is always trying to mess with my vibe. Lol

He isn't the only one that couldn't conceive. My stepdad thinks artists and content creators are no different than people standing by the road asking for money. Lol It's pretty funny when i think about the comparison. He and a several others where I grew up can't wrap their head around why anyone would want it. They see no demand and no service. That perspective seems that it would make a dull life.

Thank you for your remarks and the resteem. Have a great day @janashby

You're welcome.
SEE ya later!

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