
have you guys heard of ORKtober?
just like Inktober you make 31 drawings (1 each for each day) but instead of using ink as requirement, you have to make orcs, goblins and the sort themed drawings :)

seems cool ! Although i highly recommend you guys to take part of the inktober in every platform, since it s mostly for getting known and practice, despite of doing orcs or fantasy themes ;)

REALLY???!!! Damn, this definitely is my type of challenge! You did my morning today! That's it, probably I'll mix them together!:)

My pleasure :)
Yep I read the Orktober from one of my contacts in FB and seemed like a cool idea for a change, one can still make 31 drawings orcs in ink so yeah :D

Oh yeahz! Do you already have all the themes?

Not yet, I usually invent something in process:)

Here you go !

Yes, I've seen it, but I never use "official" list:)

me too ! it's not easy to do it daily

Really?:) For me daily drawing is like brushing teeth:)

I do too, I meant finishing something daily. Some of my stuff takes days. Isn't that the inktober thing, finish a thing daily?

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