White Rascal Part 7 - and the Steemit Secret Police have arrived... using some of the Steemit White Paper

in #art8 years ago

Here's a picture of how far I have gotten on the White Rascal painting....I am using vermilion, purple, gold and silver and then I will use blue at the bottom for water eventually...

 but what I really want to talk about is the post I just read about "Steam Cleaners" and how everyone who had yet commented on it was supporting it. We humans are never going to get out of the mess we are in until we can tolerate chaos for even a little while - chaos within our ranks. Our egos seem to have slyly rebuilt themselves - we somehow think "we" of  "Steemit" are different than all those fuckers out there - we arrogantly think that "we" are the enlightened ones - with "Steemit" the new anarchist blog that pays you - but we are no different - I mean we are in that we know some things intellectually and maybe many of us have awakened to what is going on out there - some more than others - but we still are human and we are still indoctrinated into the comforts of slavery - we have the same fears of chaos of allowing others to find their own self-government - -that every other human has  - and it runs deep. And we are still going to fall prey to old ideas that we have to impose outside governors to keep Steemit "pure".

Introduction of Steemit White Paper says:

" The most important principle is that everyone who contributes to a venture should receive pro-rata ownership, payment or debt from the venture." This is a pretty anarchistic idea - so in that system, the principle is everyone who participates is an owner and gets paid. I guess the ultimate Natural Law principles there are "As above, so below" and the principle of "Cause and Effect". It is mostly attempting to be all-inclusive but now with steemit cleaners and probably other things like the cheetah bot - already in effect - inclusion has a requiremnt of conformity to "good manners" according to  - who? I am not pro-plagiarism by any means - but I have long since given up trying to control what happens to my artwork once I put it up on the internet. I think most people who like it, swipe it - I have even put donation buttons on my website and asked for people to donate something if they are going to swipe it - and they don't. I wrote an e-book a few years back with a donation button - hundreds of people have downloaded it and I have never received one contribution - I figure that's on them - they will pay in karma if they are violating Natural Law - and I will get paid what I deserve.

My sister posted an article she had written that had been published in the Point Reyes Light Newspaper, and the cheetah bot commented and told her that the article had been published in the Point Reyes Light. As far as I know, only the cheetah and I commented on my sister's post. I think that was pretty discouraging for her as a newcomer to Steemit.

 "The challenge faced by Steem is deriving an algorithm for scoring individual contributions that most community members consider to be a fair assessment of the subjective value of each contribution. In a perfect world, community members would cooperate to rate each other's contribution and derive a fair compensation. In the real world, algorithms must be designed in such a manner that they are resistant to intentional manipulation for profit. Any widespread abuse of the scoring system could cause community members to lose faith in the perceived fairness of the economic system."   

Here it says that Steem is going to use an algorithm for scoring - not a secret police force. Steemit has only been up for 4 months and we are THAT impatient that already we are calling for the cops to (by consensus) vote on content??? Don't you see where this is headed? The NWO Machine is counting on our impatience so that when they collapse the dollar or whatever manner of chaos they impose we SOON beg for Martial Law to be imposed. This is a microcosm of that macrocosm. There must be a different way to do things - albeit much more difficult since we are online and not face-to-face - where it is much more difficult to look someone in the eye and lie to their face.

 "everyone’s meaningful contribution to the community should be recognized for the value it adds​. When people are recognized for their meaningful contributions, they continue contributing and the community grows. Any imbalance in the give and take within a community is unsustainable. Eventually the givers grow tired of supporting the takers and disengage from the community."

If we do not have the patience to wait for "eventually" we are prime targets for the ensuing police state. We have to develop spiritual muscle. We have to practice Live and Let Live. What do you do when your children act out? Do you use corporal punishment? It does not work - it just produces a violent society.

"Eliminating “abuse” is not possible and shouldn’t be the goal. Even those who are attempting to “abuse” the system are still doing work. Any compensation they get for their successful attempts at abuse or collusion is at least as valuable for the purpose of distributing the currency as the make-work system employed by traditional Bitcoin mining or the collusive mining done via mining pools. All that is necessary is to ensure that abuse isn’t so rampant that it undermines the incentive to do real work in support of the community and its currency. "

This is a very interesting point-of-view. It forces plagiarists and scammers to become self-governing - and learn their own lessons. The rest of us have to learn to tolerate them - as surely we have been dishonest ourselves at one point or another...no? Let he who has never sinned cast the first stone...

"With Steem, block production is done in rounds. Each round 21 witnesses are selected to create and sign blocks of transactions. Nineteen (19) of these witnesses are selected by approval voting, one is selected by a computational proof-of-work, and one is timeshared by every witness that didn’t make it into the top 19 proportional to their total votes. The 21 active witnesses are shuffled every round to prevent any one witness from constantly ignoring blocks produced by the same witness placed before."  

Steemit seems to have it's own ways to be self-cleaning - using algorithm's and witnesses - it seems much more tolerant than individuals like steam cleaners who sound like eugenicists - just like Natural Law - Natural Law gives us great amounts of freedom to experiment with playing authority using free will but it also provides redemption whenever we are ready to live within it.-


Users are upvoting good content, and stolen content IS usually good because it's been popular somewhere already... Many users would not upvote an article here if they new it was just copypasta, because we are here upvoting not only the words, but also the effort that has been put into producing good content. I would rather upvote an original article to support the actual writer who put there his or her effort and work.
Reading your post I felt that you're somehow upset and maybe even offended that your content and the content of your sister was treated the wrong way, and now you feel that everybody deserves the same... It feels something like let it be bad for me, if only it would be even worse for the others. :(
Also, I do not understand, if your policy is that everyone could do here what they want, even post stolen content, why do you feel like a group of people who united to fight plagiarism should not exist? Anybody does here what they want - somebody posts plagiarism, somebody fights it, and the community will decide what comes of it.

@aleksandraz - wow! no not at all - so interesting that you would feel that my post was a personal vendetta. I just used my sister as an example because she and my friend @rebelmeow both have not gotten any votes, but @rebelmeow did not get checked by the cheetah-bot -

I can only imagine this must be due to the fact that it is online and not face to face - In fact, no - I had just been reading Larken Rose' book The Most Dangerous Superstition the day before yesterday, about "authority" and "government" and it seemed to me that the creation of steem cleaners was an illustration of what I was reading -

that creating a "group of vigilantes to protect the innocent" (which is what one of the founders of steem cleaners called it) was the beginning of a secret police force - i found it interesting. That means that the "innocents" are abdicating personal responsibility to protect themselves - and letting a group of "self-appointed authorities" using a set of "rules" they came up with - "protect" them. It's government - mindcontrol - "we are better and different" because we wrote our content - so we should have special priveledges of protection against the elements.

This is not "personal" - it is just my observation of our human dilemma - do we live at the mercy of God and Natural Law - OR do we create a group of vigilantes and rules that protect the innocents? That's what we have now in the USA police state today - a group of vigilantes - 200+ years later...

I, personally, am part of a group of people (in real life) who, use principles in a form of consensus horizontal communication, to make decisions together, for the highest good of the group and others - if our group did not use those principles but instead created a set of rules and laws, similar to what the 2nd post re: steam cleaners are using - we would just be another government - but we use principles and we use critical thinking and apophatic inquiry for each new situation that arises - which results in Natural Law and God being our Authority...

I am currently in a state of neutrality about steemit - although I like being involved in a group of people that is trying to do something different, many of whom do know about anarchy and voluntaryism, I have been in enough of groups in "life" to know that it takes quite a bit of time for people to figure out how to actually make a real change and derive principles instead of rules and then put them into practice - we are indoctrinated - into the fascist mindset - it is ingrained in our very being - it is like "air" - to us.

...and we are going to recreate what we know. It would take quite a bit of ego-deflation AT DEPTH to really create a community that does not have a government or even a secret government - each new group thinks they are somehow different - they have a mindset, unbeknownst to them, that they are in fact the "authority" and then they recreate the same thing over and over - and say "oh no- WE are different" - -

it is going to take an overall change in CONSCIOUSNESS to bring about the true necessary change that will bring about true freedom in the world and on steemit - the fact. that steemit has "witnesses" IS a secret government that the steemit people created - but the one thing that might give that some credence is that that leadership rotates - so new people will come in -

but no one is consciously using principles as the Authority - they are using their opinions - and that is using indoctrinated human interpretation as the authority - the ego - so it's doomed to fail - like Bob Dylan put it "you gotta serve somebody" - who is it going to be? Our likes and dislikes?

We have a set of 7 Hermetic Principles that is the basis of Natural Law and we have the Golden Rule - do unto others as you would have others do unto you - personally I think it would be good for steemit to figure out a set of principles from that - but in the steemit white paper they do have 3 principles laid out - you can look at them if you like - the steemit white paper is very loose but it is much more forgiving - in it's allowances for people to "figure out" how to use steemit -

I did not "like" that pfunk downvoted me - but that is pfunk's choice - it is pfunk who has to live with him or herself - and I know that I was just writing the truth as I see it - so - Karma will see to it that I get what I need regardless whether it comes from steemit content or somewhere else. But if I allowed every little pee-on that pissed me off to determine my actions - wow! I would be fucked. Instead, I use principles to determine my actions - and let personalities BE what they are.

Loved your article! I've been surprised by the number of posts I've seen demanding more rules, on what I thought was a decentralized, somewhat anarchic platform. I agree it should be structured to encourage behavior that's beneficial to the community, but I was hoping this would be done without creating power structures that force or punish people. It will be interesting to see how it all turns out.

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