
man... thats the question. just get it OUT it doesnt even matter where. I've been trying to do coffee shop shows. Coffee shops are pretty good places to show art because they will accept just about anything and people sit around on their computers looking at the walls will go to your website if you have one. Thats the age old question though. getting other people to want your art on their walls.

And - another question - if you are just trying to GET RID OF IT -FREE. I mean, I literally have thought of just putting it up in a Denver Alley and leaving it there - come what may to it. Just to GET RID of it. But as of yet I am not willing to do that. My babies. But I am going to consider it. We have alley's in Denver between streets for garbage pick up. Maybe there is a way to just do a Pop-Art Show - and announce it on Craigslist and Facebook and then put the art up and let whatever happen to it. People will either get it, or it will go in the trash. I might do that... what do you think?

thats ballsy. one time i hung up a painting in the antryway of my apartment building. then it dissapeared. i didnt really mind. but in hindsight i wish i wouldnt have done that because someome was later on interested in that piece and i had to tell them it was stolen. i have considered going out with a screw gun and screwing the paintings into wooden walls on the streets. idk. paint over them instead. paint over them again and again, and then, scrape the paint off... see what you can excavate.

right but going back to our original point - as psychic warriors we have to let go of physical attachment - no?

yes i think you are right. there is honor in that

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