Heart String: Pen and Ink on Paper with Oil & found Mixed Media, 10" x 12" x 2"

in #art8 years ago

My work is spiritual in nature. I explore themes relating to Natural Law and God in my work. I like found materials because I get to say "fuck consumerism" and not buy art supplies for one thing, 2 I like to use found substrates because of the made-in-china canvases - really piss me off - when I went to art school - we stretched our own canvases - but framing is so expensive I have learned to make art that does not need to be framed or stretched. 3 I feel like God recycles - when we cast off things worn out form our wear - Nature reuses them or leaves them on the ground for me to find.

I had found a few wood picture frames by the dumpster in the alley where I walk my dog. The apartment building across the street has a lot of young people who move in and out of the building and whenever they move in or out, they toss perfectly good stuff - like these picture frames. 

A few days later, walking my dog, I found a little pile of red string on the ground, exactly in the shape of a heart.

I used to see "hearts" all the time - it has been many years since I had seen one. I carefully picked it up and put it in my pocket. I had a feeling a new painting was starting, with the finding of the heart. When I got home with the string heart in my pocket, I immediately took it and glued it to the glass of one of the recently found picture frames  and made a drawing on a piece of paper the size of the glass. Next I did a doodle - which is how I draw - I do a big squiggle and then find the drawing within it. This is a technique invented by the Surrealists, called "automatic drawing" - I have put my spin on it. I have been doing these drawings since 2011 - I have developed a way to do them for people and do psychic readings with them, but I also do them for myself as the basis of a lot of my paintings. They always seem to have a message for me and others. I do my best drawings when I am not expecting to - like on the back of a phone bill in a boring meeting. I doodle - I always have.

So I paid attention on the next few dog walks. Next, I found a couple of bottlecaps - also red...I have an enormous bottlecap collection but I figured these were specifically for the new painting - and I have never heard of Angry Orchard - I really liked the name a lot.

A little while later I found a whole broken lens from a break light on the ground. I decided to use it with this bicycle reflector I have had for a long time and make the 2 work together. I have a whole collection of broken break light lenses from the street, and other weird car and bicycle parts as well.


soonafter I also found this sawblade and these weird pieces of rubber...

I had just been doing a doodle drawing that turned out to be this wood nymph - lady of the trees. I had intentionally done the drawing to fit the picture frame but was not thinking about how all these pieces fit together. I colored in the drawing with colored pencil and glued it to the glass from the back. Next I glued the string heart onto the front of the glass and decided to make wings for the heart out of tin. I cut some flashing with my tinsnips and painted teh wings with oil paint. When they were dry, I glued them to the front of the glass with Gorilla Glue. Without using my cognitive ability much, I placed the bottlecaps and sawblade, reflector and lens, and black rubber pieces on the frame. Then I let it sit for a while. I placed in on the coffee table where I could see it for a few weeks.

Eventually I decided to put it all together. And then put a glaze of blue over the glass to divide the background from the foreground and unite them in a way using colored paint.

It was only much later  that I finally saw the syncromystical image that appeared before me - Wake Up World! Reflect! Pay Attention! - Isis is angry at having her resources gauged out without care and she is really mad that we are letting her name be used by the Dark Luciferians in reference to a fake war that our own president started to pass the Patriot Act and push the NWO forward attempting to anhilate Natural Law - Love your Mother! That's why I like to do what I call intuitive art - I don't use my brain, I don't have an idea - I make the art and then receive the message - sometimes more than this time I might have more of a clue as to what the message is while I am making the art - but I like the wow factor of the surprise of the message that I get back from the world of Spirit. It's a conversation with God... 

See it here on my website if you like.


I LOVE this! I'm also an artist. It's amazing when you can see the beauty in EVERYTHING! Isn't it? I made a can sculpture out of soda cans once.
This is it
I Love that you can just take random objects and create something truly beautiful. I feel like by having more artists in this world, We can help save the environment. By creating sculptures with what people throw in the garbage.

thank you kaylinart! I love your can girl - I will soon share my can art - I love crushed cans!!! and I agree - but sometimes I get overwhelmed at how much trash there is and how little time to make art... but having you reach out to me gives me hope. I have been living in a vacuum here in Denver -- but steemit is where my peeps are, I guess.

That's quite amazing! :)

@pierce-the-veil: Tre Manifique!
Thanks for sharing @in2itiveart, your spiritual side shows. :P

All the best, and upvoted.


Wow you are truly inspiring to me!
i am very interested in your method of psychic reading and i'd like to see if we could work that out sometime!
The finding of things for art wow, my husband collects/ saves nearly everything and this reminds me to appreciate the abundance of resources i have all around me!
i believe i've experienced blockages in art endeavors for most of my life, and the spiritual process you use it seems, could be one where i am freed!

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