Painting. In progress. Salvation also... In progress.

in #art6 years ago

I haven't created anything for a while.

When I do I don't usually paint.

I draw and occasionally paint with my little boy for fun. When I try to execute something that I hope to pass off as art I prefer the control of a pen or pencil, or even pastels, rather than a brush.

I am pondering with the idea of entering a contest. Not a steemit contest, I'm a cereal offender when it comes to steemit contests. I'm talking, real world, hang it on the wall and hear people say things...


It isn't strictly a painting contest, it is an art contest with a canine theme. But I am experiencing a calling from the paint brushes to give it a go.


The one time I won @juliakponsford's wonderful art explosion contest it was with a painting.


So perhaps I can create something again with paint? The black outline of the geometric dog is a progress shot and a first attempt. It's not necessarily the painting I will enter, but let's see where it leads me.

With the help of a couple of new doctors.

I have been trying new treatments to spend more time up and mobile, which has been a huge challenge. It started off very encouraging, but has been hard to continue the momentum. Tough on energy, stability and increased pain, and tough for my long suffering family.

I have my hideous collar on in an attempt to hold myself together, and it's night time so I am heading to bed soon to rest.


I really want to find where I fit in this world.

I know I have a place somewhere, post sport and post nursing.
I want to find a purpose and be someone again. If we are the sum of what we do then I an close to nothing and in danger of being something I do not believe to be of any great value.

This is not an attempt at fishing for comments, just a brutal truthful disclosure of how we define ourselves so much by our occupational engagement and how we perceive to contribute and generate income. Every responsibility falls to my husband.

I have a brain that never stops synapsing, and a carcass that refuses to cooperate, yet continues to circulate and palpitate.

A brain that is constantly composing and configuring words and scheming ideas, and a body that can not conjure the energy and conquer the pain to put it together. Just writing this I feel I have let myself down by hurting to do it, but not writing I also fail by not continuing to do the smallest of things.

We need a better normal.

So in an attempt to accomplish something, it has just passed 2am, my back and neck is killing me, and I am painting a fucking hound dog while my family sleeps.


I am thinking of using a colour palette of complimentary shades of yellows and orange and background of purples and blues, or vise versa.

Any thoughts?




I want to find a purpose and be someone again.

I hear ya.

I want you to write a book, although I'm not sure about what. You have a very unique "voice" and a compelling way of articulating your insights (which is the key to great writing and a thing most writers never achieve). You have a gift in making declarative statements that are so simple and self-evidently true, that they become profound.

It's like I can see and hear you recounting a story, and so I strain to hear the words ... which are, alas, always just below that which can be heard.

Marg, I'd be surprised if this is not your calling.


I almost instinctively write and speak in ballads now. You can take credit / responsibility for that 😂.
This is rough, not even a single edit. I may revisit it before it is committed to the chain forever flushed into cyber space where the rest of my over self indulgent poetic sub / semi conscious spews do float.
As Donatello would say like sewer apples. (The turtle not the Renaissance artist.)


I almost instinctively write and speak in ballads now.

Well ... that makes you a damnably attractive woman then, doesn't it?

BTW, I forgot to mention ... you've got a funky, yet subtle, sense of humor that defies categorization. And people like it.


I don't know what to say Marg but just keep on living and try to manage it all and do what makes you feel better. Drink coffee too, it makes a person cheery. ;)

Mr M Sir
What to say indeed. I always find myself humbly trying to find the right words for you, and you should know I too frequently find them lacking and delete them.
I wrote a response to your visiting your brother post yesterday, and even disclosed (little creepy maybe but we'll intended), that once upon a steemit I had a virtual stroll down your neighbourhood thanks to the wonders of the web, and thought it bustling with fabulous.
We are also trying to move closer to family and to a home that our children can be more settled in. I haven't been too close to my brother, but his wife has just had a baby, and the plan is to be moving much closer to him too. Even difficult times hold blessings, I have learnt that, it keeps me trying.

I could relate to the endo cardiac complications too, they are one of the same, the medications for one have implications for the other, I just need the specialists to actually communicate.

Drinking coffee as I tap away right now, it is my dearest friend.

Mr M Sir
What to say indeed. I always find myself humbly trying to find the right words for you, and you should know I too frequently find them lacking and delete them.
I wrote such a response to your visiting your brother post yesterday, and even disclosed (little creepy maybe but we'll intended), that once upon a steemit I had a virtual stroll down your neighbourhood thanks to the wonders of the web, and thought it bustling with fabulous.
We are also trying to move closer to family and to a home that our children can be more settled in. I haven't been too close to my brother, but his wife has just had a baby, and the plan is to be moving much closer to him too. Even difficult times hold blessings, I have learnt that, it keeps me trying.

I could relate to the endo cardiac complications too, they are one of the same, the medications for one have implications for the other, I just need the specialists to actually communicate.

Drinking coffee as I tap away right now, it is my dearest friend.

Thanks bro for sharing this amazing content

@girlbeforemirror, Good to see your post after some time and i wish and hope that soon you will be fine and you can work effectively.

And in this art i am finding different aspect and that is, it's reflecting as there is an some kind of flying creature which is sticked to one of the leafs in forest and still it's in the state of Budding.

And in my opinion, art is Universal aspect and we can come out with our imagination and that inturn adds the value to the art because sometime one art can derive one definite Message, but one art is coming up with multiple imagination then it's something.

Keep up and wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Good to see you back. I hope you get well soon. Don't trouble yourself a lot and get some good sleep. Sometimes all we need to do is relax.

Will be waiting for the complete drawing ♥️♥️

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