My Simple Artwork 2D With Orange Fruit | SUCEESSFUL TWINS

in #art6 years ago (edited)

Hi, back again in my artwork, on this post I will play imagination with citrus fruits. Hope you like and be entertained. Do not talk much, just go ahead, see below!

Do you like oranges? hmmm ... This fruit is suitable for treating your thrush, especially canker sores because punctured with a toothbrush, hahahaha. Hmm... this is not funny. Forget it!

I will share my 5 ideas with citrus fruits, which may contain a brief story in it.

A very happy mother has given birth to twin babies safely, and is accompanied by her beloved husband, this is one of the most precious moments for a mother. hmmm ... when you're grown, keep and care for your mother while she's still in the world, just as she's been keeping you in the womb.

One of the twin boys was very spoiled with his father, he always went where his father went. At that time he was very fond of balloons, some balloons are fatherly bought, but always broken. But the father still obey the will of his son. Hmmm ... dad is a hero in the family.

While the other boy is a loner, he is not familiar with his mother, and also his father. He is very adventurous, and he is also very fond of animals. This boy is very different, he is not spoiled, but he is a brave, he often out of the house, even a mother is very anxious when he played for long outside the house, never even found when sought by his mother, but no matter how far he went , he will still come back home fine.

This is a mother of two twins, or a wife. Mom is always faithful to sit at home waiting for a husband to come home from work, and while looking after his twins. A mother is very patient with circumstances, she is a wingless angel, her heart is very soft as silk, although one of her son is a naughty, but mother never scolded her child, because having child is one of dreams that she ever dreamed, and that has come true now, he is very happy to be a mother. Sometimes there are some problems that make her angry with her husband, but they always have a way to keep each other in love, because the eternal couple is a pity that can solve problems with love without having to part. Hmmm ... do you crave family like this?

Over time, the twins grew into teenagers, both of whom had studied at a university majoring in biology, which was not far from home, a spoiled child turned into an independent child, and the naughty boy turned into a dutiful child. , both grow into smart students, they always become the pride of both parents. And they both promise to make both parents happy, because parents have been keeping them since childhood, until they can be like now. The twins promise to be successful, and useful to others, especially parents, and the country, THE END.

Hmm ... from the above artwork can be concluded that, be a naughty child, and be a spoiled child, namu one thing, a child must still be able to succeed and happy both parents, like parents who have been willing to sacrifice for a child.

Thanks for coming in my simple artwork, and sorry if my english is still a mess. See you later in my artwork.

Unlimited creativity greetings.

@febrirmd ^^


Suka sekali dengan karyanya... Sukses terus y. G sabar mau liat nanti ada gambar apa lagi y??? 👍👍👍👍

Apalagi nnti ya :D, makasih udh slalu hadir kak ^^

As the mom of twins, I enjoyed this post :)

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

Thank @artzone

Do you draw these sketches yourself?

Yes... that right, this is a 100% my original artwork, please support my type artwork in steemit :)

LOL, yes, I like your work! Keep up the good work. Could you please share your photo along with your artwork next time?

Ok, maybe one day I will post my photos and my artwork, or you can also check my artwork on my instagram account @febri_Rmd. Ok thank you for coming to my simple artwork :)

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