“Guided by the Hands of God” original painting by errymil

in #art6 years ago

“Guided by the Hands of God”

(16 x 20 inch oil on canvas)


This lent season i would like to feature one of my paintings that i made for some one special, i made this painting last year as a gift to my Brother who is a successful Doctor in the Philippines. And it was requested by my father who is very ill at the time, although my dad wanted a painting, he asked me to make a painting for my Brother who also takes good care of him. This painting is so close to my heart and its also the first time for me to make portraits and humans as subject for my painting.


In this image, Jesus Christ was blessing the Operating room and Guiding my Brother who is on the right upper side doing a surgery and my father is the patient, i as a Registered nurse is in the picture on the left lower side, and with his two kids a girl and a boy who also Doctors.

My brother is a well known EENT surgeon (specialists in Ears, eyes, nose and throat) doctor in the Philippines he used to be a President of EENT association in Asia. He is my half brother and im the youngest of 8 from my dad with 3 families. And when i was young, my other sibling welcomed us with an open heart, never felt that we were different, all i know was we were family.
My brother despite all the success a doctor could ever have, still stays grounded and always humble, and i really idolized him even at a young age. He is the kind of Doctor that would use laughter as a form of treament, he never runs out of jokes and is so compassionate being a Doctor.
This is my Dad, he is 87 years old now, last year he became very ill, after having a heart attack, and since then he is slowly declining, he used to be so workaholic and at the same time very generous, all my family adore him, we really did not get along when i was young, i did not follow his foot steps being an engineer nor did i try to be in the medical field, what ever rebellion i did back then, just came back to me and i felt that i was a disappointment to him, i got frustrated too that i failed him, i could not even draw a simple image when i was young.

And last year, he just knew about my art and how it progressed when i was on my 2nd year of painting. He could not believe it at first, and i could still remember his voice over the phone while looking at the images and telling me “Son im so proud of you and your achievents and of what you have become” i was speechless and tears just won’t stop falling from my eyes, never expected that, but those simple validations coming sincerely from my Dad meant so much to me, all the bad memories got wiped out instantly, and all i can think of was the good times that we shared, that was an awakening for me, specially now that i have kids. Its was a perfect example of how to make it work.

I let him chose some painting that he liked so i can personally deliver it to him and this was what he wanted:

(Sunset Fall 12 x 16 inch oil on canvas)
(Bamboo falls 12 x 16 oil on canvas)
(Yin and Yan 4 seasons painting 20 x 24 inch oil and acrylic on canvas)

Sometimes we often forget about God and Jesus Christ his only son, we have been busy our whole lives that we forget to be thankful for what we already have received, we keep consuming and accumulate worthless materials in our life, we keep feeding our EGO to the point that we feel like we are in control of everything, then unexpected events happen and the only thing that holds us together is our faith, and the moment we surrender to him and be like him is when we truly live, im not talking about playing god, But one thing i really believe in, is that Christ planted that seed more than 2000 years ago, and now is coming to fruition, and we are part of that seed, and whatever he did back then can be done by each and everyone of us, LoVe was the greatest gift that was given to humanity, and the most powerful emotion and action in this universe, I believe at this time and age, we are given an opportunity to raise our consciousness into “Christ Consciousness” where we realize that we are all one and came from one source, that we are all brothers and sisters, that we could live a peaceful and harmonious life, it starts with us and within each and everyone of us, we have been asleep for far too long, and gradually one person at a time we are waking up, its going to be a challenging ride, you really need to dig yourself to find that light, i myself is still working on it everyday, correcting my what i think is wrong, and practicing to be always present and attentive, but since i gave in, and stopped resisting, everything changed and i still dont know what direction im going but i have a clear path of were im going.

Always be thankful and grateful, always be present and stay grounded and humble, always think good thought, say good words, and speak kind words, Meditate and Pray everyday if you can, and start loving yourself this is your only temple and take good care of your body mind and soul. Practice those things and your life will automatically change for the better and you will always be Guided by the hands of God.


Thank you for having time to read my blog i know its a bit long but i just wanted to share the message of peace and live with all of you. Stay inspired and keep steeming my friends



WOW. what a touching story. The painting with jesus in it for your brother is definitely off beaten path for you but amazingly done and showcases your diversity as an artist.

Must've been interesting growing up in such a large family. I thought mine was big being 1 of 4. What are the age gaps in your family between youngest and oldest? I'm the oldest in my family and there's nine years difference present between myself and the youngest.

Mustve been a real treasure hearing your dad was proud of you. 💗

On a different note i don't remember seeing the sunset fall or the yin and yang four seasons. Absolutely beautiful.

Hi @chelsea88 im the youngest of 8 and we have a huge age gap, like my eldest sibling is almost the same age as my mom, i would say 20 to 25 year age gap. Yes its a very memorable moment for me and my dad and all because of art.

Oh wow that is quite the gap. I'm interested in hearing more about your life now. I'm thinking "errymil's life story" 💗

Haha, that would be nice. Its always pleasure having you chelsea

And you my friend 😊

Hello! I find your post valuable for the art community! Thanks for the great post! ARTzone is now following you! ALWAYs follow @artzone and the artzone tag, and support our artists!

Amazing work ... well done

I love this following you! Thanks for the upvotes!

Sure thanks forthe follow

even if your blog is very long ber benefits I've read your blog sata interested and I want to learn from your friends @errymil

The passion behind this painting is everything, and you have delivered it so beautifully too, nice to meet a fellow artist here, well done. Kindly follow back

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