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RE: Packing up my colors

in #art7 years ago

f the piece made me feel strong emotions (sadness, happiness, anger, etc) so the piece work for me and I try to "understand" the tecnique and others, if I don't feel anything, it's a wrong piece (for me ^^)

Indeed, when the piece gives a feeling, it is good, also for me. I'm not an artists, therefor I will not analyse what techniques are used. That is the difference between an artist and non-artists I think. My music producers friends have the same as you do; listen to the music and at the same time try and understand how the made it, they also hear things int he music, none-artists will not hear. Some of my friends hear music in everything, even a door opening/closing. I sometimes do, but they do it all the time. And yes, they can state: music has some vibe, but the way it is created was so simple, I would never do that. Essentially even quick produced music with low tech methods can give some positive vibe, eg easily to dance to.

I also like this converastion, since I always like to understand the position of the artist towards what is art and how they look at using technology. It is going to be very interesting times, since AI will become more intelligent and more initiatives will emerge to us AI as the creator of art, in whatever shape or form. This will increase the discussions, especially in the artists communities, since it'll replace (part of) their views on what the artists belief in, and how the look at this topics.


Oh, @edje , I'm not a "classic" artist with a big baggage of experiences on this field. I started to work on Art just from few years and thanks to my hubby who introduce me in this fantastic world full of differente materials, different tools, different ways to look everything and everyone and different perspective. Before to think me as an artist, I had a different idea on "what" is the Art and so I watched the pieces just for my emotions. This is till my first approach: at first I really want to feel something, just in the second time I analise the tecniques. I think this is good for me, I don't want have limits when I watch an artworks and maybe to think just to the tecnique could be a limit (just my own opinion). I think it's the same for the music. ^_^

My producer friends are almost immediately analysing the music; but they are artists 100% of their lives, meaning: it is there profession and have 20-30 years of profession behind them. They cannot think of anything else, 24x7 :)

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