Cereal Mascot Horror Movies #3: Teen Brute

in #art6 years ago (edited)


High school junior Trevor Froody has a monstrous case of the munchies! But when he heads to the supermarket to buy a box of Fruit Brute, his trusty Chevy Citation breaks down. After phoning a tow truck, Trevor notices a small grocery store nearby. Since he has half an hour to kill before the truck arrives, he decides to go in. Maybe he can still get his Fruit Brute fix after all!

The store is old and dilapidated, with the checkered linoleum floor worn through and peeling back in places, and every surface covered in a thin layer of dust. Weathered wooden shelves extend all the way to the ceiling. Dozens of senior citizens push their creaking carts along the narrow aisles. All of the produce is mouldering or rotten, and the boxes on the shelves appear to be decades out of date. A sad old song croons drearily over the PA. As unsettling as all this is, Trevor hurries to the cereal aisle. But to his chagrin, he sees only wheat and bran flakes and old tubs of oatmeal. He's about to leave when a flash of color catches his eye.

Just visible behind two canisters of Oakley's Oats is a single box of Fruit Brute!

Like everything else in the store, it looks to have been sitting there for decades. But it's unmistakably Fruit Brute, right down to the cartoon mascot. Trevor grabs it, pays the wizened old checker at the register, then hurries back outside. He sits munching the cereal while he waits for the tow truck. By the time it arrives he's eaten the entire box.

The next morning Trevor notices some peculiar changes coming over him. His eyes are weirdly sensitive to light. His nails are harder and sharper than usual. And a thick new growth of hair is sprouting on the backs of his hands. Worried at first that his pastor might have been right about the dangers of onanism, Trevor soon realizes that he's actually transforming into a werewolf. And not just any werewolf, but the spitting cartoon image of Fruit Brute himself!

Hilarity ensues as Trevor tries to keep his new alter ego hidden, then gradually learns to embrace it, picking up some valuable life lessons along the way. And while some critics have accused this film of being a Teen Wolf ripoff with worse acting and more cereal references...


That's actually pretty accurate.


This is really good. I like your style. Upvoted and following. @ediblecthulhu

Thanks @crittercrats! :D I dig your style as well! I saw your entry in @jacinta.sevilla's Easy Mini Drawing: Corn contest and followed right away. Thanks again!

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