Can We All Be Creative? By EdgarsArt+ Original Drawing

in #art7 years ago

We can hear the work creativity almost every day. In news articles, in videos or when we are just talking with someone. Be creative! Now the question i have is: What does it even mean?
To be creative. Does it mean that you have to think of something unique? Or you have to do something unexpected? Or you have to create something that has never been there before? Or you just have to think outside of the box. Which means you have to think different from everybody else.
All of these which i mentioned are a very hard things to do. I guess that is why many many people are actually scared of this word. Creativity. It is not rare when i hear someone saying that they are not creative and that is almost as some kind of a skill nowadays. To be creative means that you have a skill which is something not everybody has. Now i highly doubt this fact, because i think that we all can be creative. I actually will be brave enough to say that we are creative already, Since the day when we are born.

I remember years ago when i was younger and when i was really thinking hard about my future in this world that i was stressed about the things i want to do. What i have to do to succeed? Will it work? Maybe do this, or maybe do that. Which one i need to do first. All of these normal questions which are filling your mind when you are a teenager. The whole world is watching then. Even if you are sitting in your own room alone. You think that when you walk outside of the house in the morning, that everybody will look at you and you will have to know who you are and what are you doing. I remember that i was listening to Less Browns podcasts at that time. I am still doing it but not so often. Now one important thing i got from Less was that whatever you do in life, you have to stay creative. He was not even interested what exactly you want to do. You want to be en engineer or a doctor or a teacher, or a entrepreneur, or even a business man. The message he delivered was to stay creative in your daily life and in your daily activities.

Now what i did not understand then but i do now is that with the task of being creative you have to be able to put in the hard work. It is actually hard to be creative. You have to work for it. For me it is not only drawing. We all can be creative in anything. We can be creative in a kitchen, or we can plant something in the garden and we can be creative. Now one more thing that i got to understand after some time was that no every activity can be called as creative. For example, i can do something right now that i was not planning to do. I can write 5 posts in one hour and post them all on Steemit. That will not be a creative thing.. I can make a post with 10 photos i did today, with at least one paragraph following each photo+including my thoughts about the photos, why i made them and what is the message behind them. Now that would be a creative move. Not every thing you can do will be called as a creative move. So that is in my opinion the difference why some people are scared. They think it is hard to do that. Actually it is not, and i am almost 99% sure that we all are creative and we just do not see that. Maybe we are stressed about the money, work, some problems maybe. But i believe that every person is creative. In the end i do think that human beings are amazing and there are so much potential in each one of us. I hope you will use yours and we can all see the benefit you will bring to the world:)
These are my two cents today about a subject i am very much interested in:) Below you will see my only colour pencil drawing of horses:)


I included a link to my verification post, that all of the content posted here are done by me:
I also have an Ebay where it is possible to purchase some of my original drawings:


I think we are all creative with different imaginations, of course. Only that there are those who practice it and those who do not.

I agree, yet i think at a certain level you do not even need to practice it

awesome, drawing, nive post


I am sure, if there is a will we can describe as your picture. I really love your creations.

Thanks so much:)

Amazing how you captured all the details of pelage and motion. Drawing a horse in motion is one of the biggest challenges for me. Cool drawing.

Thank you so much! Yes, it was extremely challenging, and i am also not used to drawing a lot with colour pencils

What an excellent work colleague, I congratulate you for the great talent you have and because you shared one of my arts at the same time, I am an artist, I hope you like it.

that is my last job in pencil

there I have a drawing of a horse but I do not know where I have the photograph, if I can share it in this post so you can appreciate it hehe

Marvellous art men.
Please check out my posts.

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