Taking the weekend off for a Staycation Camping trip.

in #art6 years ago

This is an illustration I did in 2016 and I feel it rather fits my upcoming weekend.


My friends/family are coming to Toad Hall for a camping/rustic weekend. We usually try a camping outing once a year about this time and this year I suggested why not come to me at Toad Hall and we can camp here.

Now for those of you who don't know, our place( lovingly called Toad Hall after the Wind in the Willows) is a quiet rather secluded spot. We are lucky to be perched on the shores of the Atlantic and are surrounded by woods, shoreline, and field.

This time of year, especially, is quiet.

Many of the homes (of which there are not many) round here are now empty. This little spit of land stretched into the sea is mainly a Summer place. That means shutters open, lawns get mowed and things start picking up after Memorial Day in June and subsequently get re-shuttered and quiet after Labor Day, which is the end of August. That is the Summer season.

My gals will be arriving with tents and coolers and camping kit as if they were heading into the woods.

Of course, we will have the benefit of better bathroom facilities but we do intend to stay outside almost the entire weekend. Sleeping in the tent, cooking over the fire, playing cards under the pergola by fairy light and lantern; It looks to be good weather. I am rather excited.

We have camped out here before.

We have even put our tents up on the beach. To have the sound of the sea and waves so close coming in and out is really a great way to experience nature.

Of course, when we had our sailboat, that was a sort of camping ON the sea and I loved that.

Since we have sold our boat, I think one of the things I missed the most was being up early with the coffee percolating and the fog just lifting off the harbour, wherever we were moored. This weekend I can have that a bit, waking in the outdoors and then that scent of coffee brewing over the fire whilst the sea laps quietly on the sand before the morning fog has lifted. It should be sublime.

We often joke that our camping trips bring the rain, as many of our trips have been washed out.

However, having decided to make it a staycation camp seems to have warded off the Rain Gods, as it is predicted to be a lovely cool but sunny weekend.

I hope my absence won't be seen too harshly.

I try to comment and upvote everyday, even if I don't manage a posting. However, I hope I can be excused it for a couple days. I have not set up any auto votes or such so every vote is hand curated by me; the downside being that on a break such as this I will be absent.

They do say all work and no play makes Jack (or Jill) dull.

And I shouldn't like to be dull. And I should like to take a tiny break.

On that note, I hope all of you shall have a lovely weekend and that you get a chance to take a moment to look up from the screen and breath in the fresh air. And maybe you will even be lucky enough, as I shall be this weekend, to smell the wood fire smoke and the brine of the salt air mingled with the rich aroma of morning coffee.

If you like my posts by all means upvote, resteem, and comment. I always appreciate comments.

And check out my other posts.

Copyright @donnadavisart - All Rights Reserved




Have an epic #staycation!! Will be looking forward to hearing all about it when you're "back" hehehe!

We did do and I thought of you and your family, wondering if you were at the same sort of silliness we were, splashing in the water and collecting up sea treasures! I'm so behind, but I'm going to pop over to you right now @lyndsaybowes.

No swimming for us in the last couple days, there's been a north wind...and it needs to fuck off lolooolol :)

Have fun. I wanted to make a pun and then made this un-in-tent-ional camping pun

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Another great one @mathowl keep it up or you'll get camp-fired from the the role of pun master. ;)

That sounds like heaven. Few things compare to being with family and good friends in the out-of-doors. I could smell and feel the sea air, and all the other woodsy joys from your fine wordsmithery. And I agree, eating tastes better out there, coffee would taste better (if I drank it), and camping out to the 'noise' of the joys of nature, is second to none. Have a most glorious of weekends, and we shall see/hear from you in the next week. Throw some rocks into the ocean for me. Cheerio(s)

I did think of you @ddschteinn, especially when we were lolling about on the sand letting our feet dangle in the current of the receding tide. It made me think of your river voyage, though we were much less daring then you, as we had the house to retreat to if we chose. We did not do it much, though I was rathe proud of our 'stick to ittive ness' :)

I threw rocks for you and even put some seaweed on my head as a wig, does that count as well?

Thanks for the rock toss in my stead. It is an honor. A timeless tradition dating back to early dd days. A beach of flat stones, a smooth water surface, and the day is set. As for the seaweed wiglet, oh, how childish. And something I would love to see and chortle at. How many pictures do I have of myself with seaweed, sticktight, moss, other plant matter with conks as ears, adorning my head...the list goes on and on. ONE day, if I ever get there, maybe I'll put photos out on here. Just not quite there yet. This whole internet thing and the "me" out to the world. It takes baby steps. One day, dd, one day. Thanks for the fun comments, they always make my day. Hope yours is a grand one.

this sounds like so much fun! playing cards outdoors by the fairy light with your girls! toad hall sounds like it's perched in a wonderful area. i would delight in the coffee percolating, fog lifting scene as well :) we just took a teeny break as well and have returned feeling refreshed. tis good to play and take breaks <3 enjoy!

Thanks @mountainjewel. It really is good to take little social media breaks I think and even better when you can do so with something fun like camping and just playing out of doors! I feel refreshed.

hope you will have a great time with your family <3

wonderful art <3 i love all the details and the composition is lovely. the wheels as the chair's arms' supports are just gorgeous <3 beautiful colours also, all the patterns and motif you used are really wonderfully selected <3 <3

Thanks @veryspider. This drawing was definitely a study in pattern and colour and I wanted to play with complimentary colours. I'm glad you liked it!

I have so much catching up to do, I bet you and @scrawly have made 20 drawings a piece in the two days that I have been gone! :)

Whoa, even though this is your old art, I've never seen it before Donna. I love it, it's full of flat colours and very lovely, a big departure from your black and white artworks.    
Don't apologise for your holiday, have fun instead :D!          

Thanks @scrawly. I did a few such illustrations and this one just seemed to suit my upcoming weekend.

You know what you did? Explained precisely in one sentence what I need. What is bothering me. I need a fire.

Won't happen this weekend as I am recovering from a cold/flu episode. But soon, very soon, I'll get my fix.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend. If you vote on anything of mine this weekend I will kick your butt.

I hope you get your fire soon! It does soothe the soil and there is nothing like food and coffee made over the fire. And you will see I did not vote nor interact over the weekend, I was a good little mini holiday goer :) Thanks @bigtom13

This post was shared in the Curation Collective Discord community for curators, and upvoted and resteemed by the @c-squared community account after manual review.

Thank you, you guys are wonderful :)

beautiful, i feel fresh when i watch it , and have a fun week ! :)

Thanks @adelepazani I wonder was it busy round here this weekend? I still have to check in at @sndbox

Very beautiful illustration ♥‿♥

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Thank you so much :)

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