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RE: 🎨 Was ist Hinterglas?

in #art6 years ago

I would love to learn to speak German. It's actually on my list. @winstonalden and I have been brushing up our schoolroom French, for a visit to see friends in the future. But, I have a silly app, duolingo, and I practice German sometimes. It has some similarities to English more so than the Romance languages, but the stringing multiple words together to make a longer word phrase is hard to an English speaker.


I've been having Polish on my list for years, but never got past some 50 words. Its just so darn hard and has nothing in common with western languages. They should come up with a blockchain based app, where you get steem for memorizing words and grammar rules.

It never occurred to me, that the stringing multiple words together could be difficult. All you do, is leave out the spaces, to get the spacelessallinonewordcreation ;-)

I had a friend in New Orleans who loved to come to Europe. One day, he told me, that from his observations in Germany, the language can't be that hard after all. He heard the people use a lot of "ge" in the beginning of words and "en" at the end. So he came up with the theory, that all you had to do, to speak German was use the English word and add "ge" in the beginning, and "en" at the end. For an example he used the word sink. With his trick the German word would then be Gesinken

Well, although it may sound German, unfortunately it makes no sense at all 😝

That is hilarious! IF only it were that easy. My ancestry is English and German, so I always felt I SHOULD know some. I also would LOVE to read Goethe in the original and Rilke in German, that would be a dream.

Phew.. I don't think most Germans can read Goethe in the original! Your English is perfect, from what I can see ;-)

Well, it is far from perfect, but it had better be close to since it is my native language. I meant I am German/English ancestry, but my family has been in USA for hundreds of years. The English bit since before it was even the USA.

I wish I could write German as wonderfully as you write English, as it is your second language. I can barely string comprehensible phrases in French. I even lived in Paris a bit, but everyone spoke English when we were mixed with different nationalities. Oh well.

I was just being silly. I figured English is your native language. And still perfect too. You have a wonderful way with words.

My English is fading. Its just been too long, since I lived in the States. The words I can look up, but it gets really funny, when I mix the English words with German grammar... 🤪

Oh god French! I'm not even trying to get it right. I'm with a group of French artist, and they speak.... (well, big surprise!) only French. I understand some, but (other big surprise) they have a hard time understanding my French 😜

I knew you were being silly, I wish I had another language as easily grasped as you seem to have English...some day.

When I lived in Paris my fellow American friend and flatmate used to take odd American/English sayings and translate them exactly into French, like "the bee's knees" and "Going to hell in a hand basket" It always got odd stares and made us errupt into giddy laughter, giddy tired, I live in a 6 floor walk up flat where the shower is a sink heat of the Summer in Paris laughter. That was my sort of 'german way' of putting all those words together ;)

Language rules are so odd. I mean English rules make no sense, so I am glad I don't have to learn it, but it's so hard to get the gender of things in French. And possesives are odd compared to how we use them in English. Oh well, I will tackle it.

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