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RE: 📽 It moves! - Beauty and the Beast in Motion
Oh, this one was a grand choice to be animated. Wouldn't it be fun to have an exhibition like this.
I signed up for something once, I can't recall what it was called, that lives somewhere in my computer aps now, that allows you to hold your phone up to a piece of artwork and if the artist has done something like this and uploaded it to this ap then the viewer would see this whenever they held their phone to it.
As augmented reality continues to join our world as well as virtual reality, the role of the artist shall be key. Into the great unknown we all go, artists side by side with the technicians :)
You are absolutely right, it would be awesome to have an exhibition like this, with all animated artwork.
I know what you mean, I saw that on the web somewhere... people point their smartphone at an artwork and little figures start walking over it and the likes. Have to see, if I can find that again, and do something with it.
Have jaust read... (well, heard as audio-books while painting to be honest) two very interesting novels involving ai.. "The Tyranny of the Butterfly" by Frank Schätzing and another German one. Most likely not available in English. Both very.... frighting, actually! Our intelligence is limited in the end. That of a machine... we don't know 😱