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RE: Art and Creativity: House Guests and Technology Breaks!

in #art6 years ago

Being an artist, I know this balance can be tricky. Of course I always err on the side of 'creative' which is why I only have about 670 instagram followers. I had a friend say, I'm surprised you don't have more instagram followers (in the way of a compliment to my work) to which I replied, "Well I only post my artwork. For a bit I posted some of the things for sale but only relevant to my artowork. And I don't post everyday. I want it to be a nice digital portfolio I can be proud to look at not a painting I laboured over and then 40 shots of what I had for lunch" :)

I love when I found Steemit and in fact have become so Lax on facebook because of it. I loathe facebook and only used it as a means to share my artwork as I was told it was just 'what a modern artist does'. I've seen a few sales from it, but mostly it's just a bit of toil I give about 15 minutes to every other day.

I think as long as we give first priority to creating each day, then we can slip in a few minutes for our 'online presence' as well, but on an off day, I always choose 'create over post' but then again it depends on if you want to be super rich and famous, which I don't care about.

Balance is just important with all things in life I suppose :)


Sounds to me like you have found a pretty healthy balance.

I know a few artists who are basically "commercial marketing machines" and one of the things I have noticed (at least among the painters) is that they very rarely present new work anymore, but do a roaring trade in selling $30 prints of everything.

Of course, "to each other own." But it never felt right to me.

I mostly see social media as a way to keep your name "out there." And I don't want to see pictures of people's lunch and then "here's a pair of really cool shoes" and then "oh look! My left nostril!" This Steemit account enjoys only modest success because it's focused on ART and CREATIVITY. If you follow Red Dragonfly, you're not going to get recipes one day , baby pictures the next and poetry the day after.

Maybe that works for some, if they don't have any kind of "brand" they are trying to establish. Which, of course, is precisely what artists are trying to do.

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