A previous ink to share in the continuing spirit of #inktober

in #art6 years ago

This drawing/ink was done back in January, but was part of two pieces I did for Viginia Woolf's birthday.


Despite this piece being done as an imagined book jacket for "To the Lighthouse" I can see it as one of my witch and familiars. Let's give it a new tagline.

Since transforming her familiar into human form to hold the light for her painting, Ellesbeth found it a chore to keep Mrs. Whiskers from wandering off with it, presumably in search of mice.
Next time, said she, I'll turn her into a lamp post

Well, it is a cool but lovely shinning morning here in Canterbury.

It seems a world away, with the bright sky and sun, from the report I have just had from Toad Hall, back in Massachusetts, where they are bracing for a nor'easter and bucket loads of rain and power failures. I timed this Atlantic crossing just right it seems.

Today will be another day of to-doing.

That translates into only getting to comment and upvote a few, which makes me feel a wretch. I find when I am out and about house hunting and planning that my mind keeps wandering back to all of you. Is it addiction, this Steemit? I think not, more like a lovely place one wants to escape to. Like the little elation I feel when I get that hot cuppa and head into my studio.

I do hope you will forgive my laxness in visiting you, and do know I am thinking of you.

I think this morning I'll try to go and at least upvote as much as I can, since I love to leave comments and upvote, but I suppose you'd still be happy with my pittence of a few steemit pennies then a quick pointless blurb typed in haste.

I realise I have not shared another #inktober participant as I had meant in each post. So today head on over to @frejafri and see her amazing piece.

I shall close here and attempt some upvotes before I am out the door. I can hear my friends milling about in the kitchen, coffee awaits!


great tagline, haha :D
And beautiful drawing as always!
You know, I just though about my plan of featuring some favorite inktober artists, and realized we are almost at the end! Oh my...! Maybe I should just do a end of inktober favorite-pieces post instead XD
I appreciate the mention, thank you! - psst, I finished my second nine-day inktober landscape today, wuhuu :D
I wonder if I can squeeze in a four-day landscape for the last little bit of inktober, hmm..

congrats, I'm heading over to you too see and upvote your I'm sure amazing ink. I like the idea of the favourite post end of inktober idea!

The lighthouse is amazing! Very striking. I hope you aren't too cold here in England, you have come at the turn of the weather. We had snow up here in Nottingham this morning!

NO, this is a good time for me in England. People laugh at me that instead of going to Italy or Florida for Autumn Winter I go to England, but here in Southern England, in Kent anyway, the weather has been beautiful sunny and for me ( a NEW Englander) It IS warm ;) I love temps around 12-15 c and I love a good rainy day, so honestly this weather just suits me :) But, I'll take England in any season, it is so home to me that I wish I did't have to leave, but ah well, Beggars can't be choosers.

I would love to see some of my uk/eu fellow steemians whilst here, so who knows, maybe London meetups? Or trips to areas other steemians are found?

@Redrica & @ultravioletmag are London Based I think and they go to lots of the meetups. It might be worth reaching out to them?

What a stunning composition, truly beautiful work.

Thank you so much. I can't wait to be settled, buy a new desk and get back to work, mixed with fun day trips of course ;)

hahahah, but we can't blame the kitty to want to wander off to look for mices ! aaah such a nice picture :)

and like i said, try not to feel guilty about not having time to properly steemit from time to time ! Specially since you are travelling !!!

Dear Artzonian, thanks for using the #ArtzOne hashtag. Your work is valuable to the @ArtzOne community. Quote of the week: Art, freedom and creativity will change society faster than politics. -Victor Pinchuk

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