Inktober Day 24 - Chop

in #inktober6 years ago

Today's official #inktober prompt is #chop!
I had a bit different approach to this, since I used to date a Yorkshire lad and he used to call me Chops or Pretty Chops. In Yorkshire chops means cheeks, and he was referring to my cheeks, so I decided to draw a self portrait of me from that time!


I think I look a bit younger and child-like in the drawing, than I actually did, but trying bring out the chops made me look a bit younger! If you are curious how I actually looked back then here's the reference photo I used (and no, it's not my ex besides me, it's my brother who passed out! - On a long train journey in India!)


And here's the whole inktober landscape (this was the 7th drawing!). I draw the portrait before thinking how to connect it to the rest of the drawing, and drawing the scarf I thought to make it into mountains... Maybe I need to do a bit of touch up on those...(!)


Wind of Change!

And then I just want to add that there's the strangest wind blowing here today! It has been quite warm, but also chilly on the edge -autumn weather here lately, but today has been a very strange very windy weather, but this hot tropical wind in the middle of the mountains in october..! It feels so weird. It definitely feels like a wind of change in some way, but it should logically be to colder weather..
Something is brewing....!
Luckily we chose to stroll by the playground where there are several big walnut trees, and of course this wind knocked down a lot of nuts -crazy, we already collected a few basketfulls of nuts from those trees, and they are still giving!! Furthermore, everytime I passed by there has been people collecting, today there were 3 other people collecting nuts, and still, on a short stroll we managed to get a whole basket full! Nature is amazing!
It's still blowing strong out there, like a hair dryer... We had to take most plants inside as they were flying around, loosing all their leaves and flowers..
I'm curious which changes this wind will bring.


Gosh you are so pretty, @frejafri ! And I didn't know chops means cheeks in Yorkshire lingo~ Love the drawing very much ! I think you really captured your cheekiness well XD That smile is wonderful <3 <3 <3

Annnd what a peculiar change of wind... I hope it harbinger of good tidings....

haha, yes, I really couldn't think of anything else than yorkshire "chops" :D
Thank you :D

you really did catch a very child like quality in that picture, but there is no doubt it is you, really beautifully done xx
Congrats on the walnuts, yum xx the wind is signalling that now we must began our journey inwards, to begin the travel to the depths of ourselves in the winter xx

Thank you!
Actually usually I get this feeling to go inwards, when I feel winter approaching, but this sudden change from 15-20 degrees mild autumn weather, to a tropical wind of at least 25 degrees or more, just felt so out of place...! It felt like a very foreign and aggressive wind.. I enjoyed it though, standing in the mountains in october and feel heated up by a desert wind, both felt cleansing in some way, but the mother of Roberto kept saying it was a wind that brings diseases and didn't want to leave the house at all, and I could feel that too..
Today seems more normal, after the crazy full moon night, but woke up to two giant crosses from airplanes in the sky....!

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