The brain of a racing driver in a robotic body in the series "My Greatest Adventures". Part 2

in #artlast year


Now we will talk about what happened next with the Robotman.

If someone has not seen the previous parts, then follow the links:

The action takes place on Earth-One. From news, Patrol members learn their code names invented by the public:

  • Rita Farr - Elasti-Girl
  • Larry Trainor - Negative Man
  • Cliff Steele - Automaton

Clifford declares that to the public they will always be losers. A second later, they are called by the Chief, who tells them about an American submarine trapped on the ocean floor near New York. Her propeller is broken, and, even worse, the engine room began to fill with poisonous gas, causing the entire crew to lose consciousness.

The purpose of the Doom Patrol is to save the crew.

Niles gives Rita the largest balloon and mask that have ever been created, and attaches a camera to the main character in order to monitor the actions of the team.

Having sailed to the destination, the Doom Patrol meets the cruiser No. 409. Farr dives in to scout the situation.

A few minutes later, she swims out and says that it's safe at the bottom. Wearing their balloons and masks, the heroes sink to the bottom. Clifford sees the Negative Spirit leaving Larry's body and passing through the hull of the submarine. Cliff and the Elasti-Girl are worried about Trainor, because if the Spirit does not return to the latter's body in 60 seconds, he will die. Steele is trying to straighten one blade, but the damage is worse than everyone thought. Rita breaks it.

Later, Robotman discovers Farr taking a seashell and realizes that she wants to use it to replace a broken blade. The Automaton solders a part of the shell to the propeller with its own hands. When the main character starts the submarine's engine, he hears an explosion from above. From a Negative Man, he learns that an Elasti-Girl took a torpedo out of the torpedo hatches and blew up a huge aggressive octopus with it. Like Niles, Clifford wishes he had seen it.

A few minutes later, the Doom Patrol returns to its boat. Caulder reports that a city in northwestern Canada was buried under a snowslide.

The purpose of the new Patrol mission is to save the residents of the city.

A few hours later, the team arrives on the Chief's plane to their destination. Finding the nearest lake, Rita cuts out a large piece of ice with her fingernail and digs out the city with it, after which she transfers all the inhabitants to a neighboring village. Meanwhile, Cliff sees a Negative Spirit flying out of Larry and for some reason blows up a warehouse with dangerous weapons. When Farr and Trainor come back to normal, they are thanked by the rescued residents of the city. When the team returns to the plane, the Negative Man informs Steele that they both allegedly saw a snow monster that was blown up by the Spirit. The Robotman replies that he has not seen anything like it. Together, they return to the base.

Later, the Automaton accuses the Chief that he could, when changing his body, somehow damage his brain. Because of this, the main character could not see the snow monster. Niles says that there is a fantastic interview on television that touched on the Doom Patrol. Larry runs into the main room and turns on the same program. Dr. Janus, during his interview, explains that the creatures that Clifford did not see came from another dimension. According to him, 50 years ago, a meteorite fell in Logan City, Arizona, from which those very creatures came out. Janus believes that this was the first attempt by beings from another dimension to enter their world. But now they have succeeded by launching these beasts here. Perhaps now these creatures are trying to launch a full-scale invasion. An angry Cliff turns off the TV and says that, in the past, he saw a report about this meteorite and there was no mention of any creatures. However, Trainor, Elasti-Girl and Caulder say they have heard the opposite. Steele thinks his brain has begun to decompose. After a few seconds, something comes to him. The Robotman asks the Negative Man to send the Negative Spirit for those very articles in order to check who is right. Larry agrees.

After a few seconds, the Automaton realizes that something is really wrong with his brain. However, the Chief says that someone made all people believe in one thing, and the main character is the only one who sees the truth.

The purpose of the new Patrol mission is to conduct a thorough investigation.

Niles tells the rest of the team to go to Logan City, namely, to the place where the meteorite fell. Arriving there, Clifford finds the penultimate issue about the meteorite, where nothing is said about the invaders. Caulder says that someone planted fake copies of the files in another newspaper and made everyone believe in the existence of animals from other dimensions. He sees how someone painted a poster for an old Rita movie, and considers it a clue. It turns out that the news was forged by Dr. Janus, whose real name is Josef Kreutz, an escaped Nazi criminal. Somehow, he found a way to transmit his illusions by radio to the human brain in order to make all people see and remember things that never happened. Fortunately, because of Cliff's steel shell, he does not fall under the influence of Janus. Arriving at the crater, the Doom Patrol sees that Josef has gathered crowds of TV presenters, policemen and ordinary witnesses around him in order to "save them from the invaders." The police report that they see an "invader" who appeared riding on a huge lizard, however, Steele claims that he sees nothing. He tries to reason with people, but the cops open fire. Then the Robotman decides to prove to everyone that this is an illusion by going through it. He manages to do it. However, for some unknown reason, Farr increases, approaches and lifts the Automaton, after which he begins to squeeze it. Having dealt a powerful blow to her arm, the main character breaks free and falls to the ground. Seeing a power line support next to him, Clifford climbs onto it and destroys it, thereby destroying the illusions created by Kreutz. Descending to the ground, Cliff sees how the Negative Spirit finds Janus in the crowd and knocks him down. Josef is arrested by the police, and Steele finds his car, creating illusions, and destroys it.

When the heroes return to the headquarters, the Chief says that the new nickname of the main character has its advantages.

I hope you will appreciate it.


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