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RE: My Dada drawing: Colourful Face with a Dog friend

in #art6 years ago

I love this and I just want to urge or remind you that what may seem like a scribble to you is a very fluid drawing with tons of movement and life to it. And your colors are just lucious as usual. I think the value in a peice isn't always related to how much time it took to create. For me, your work is in a way instructional. I don't draw as well as quickly as you do, primarily because I don't practice as often so I have not progressed to where you are. Looking at your sketches is inspiring and helpful for that part of my brain that's always learning how to draw even when I am not actively drawing. So thank you for posting these! I want to check out this dada thing,. I haven't yet but it seems like a lot of fun!


I'm so glad you like it and that you can see it as a sort of tutorial in drawing/sketching. I always mean to record my screen when doing things, but haven't figured out how to do so, thus I am glad that you found instruction just in see this partial sketch.

This is also why I always tell myself that my studies for paintings (Which are often pen/watercolour or ink/watercolour) are in themselves also finished pieces, even though I use them as a stepping stone to a larger more finished work. And sometimes the quickness and freedom one gives a sketch opens up new movement or painterly action in an artists approach to more finished pieces and this is, I think anyway, how an artist grows their style. I'm glad you liked it.

100% agree with you!

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