Today is a man's portrait. Watercolor

in #art6 years ago

Hey! Today is a man's portrait. For a year there were a few portraits that I decided to show. All my models are not familiar to me. Men, as a rule, do not particularly like to be photographed in order to have them

Painted. However, during the work of my art men. They are often asked to draw a portrait of them.

It's hard to draw men from nature, because men feel more comfortable and comfortable with a familiar person, they are also easier to be liberated if a friend of mine draws it, although it is the other way around. In order to avoid the burden of the client, you need to study his psychological portrait in advance, learn more about the person, about his hobby, his work, his favorite music, since it can be put in the studio. But there are huzhdozhniki who are rushing in the streets of the first people who want to. Well, if you already shut up then sit and suffer in one pose while you are painted on canvas. 

Thank you all for voting! Each of your voices is very important to me! I dedicated my life to painting and a little travel. Thank you all for your support! 

Sincerely, Kristina   


great talent
I must say !


Very lively

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Hello @daio!
I like your portraits and I would like knowing how much it is of I commissionate one to you. Thanks!

Posted using Partiko Android

A good portrait ! The character of the man is captured nicely :)

many thanks)))

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