(Replica en Miniatura | Miniature replica) La Venus en el Espejo, de Diego Velazquez

in #art โ€ข 4 years ago

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Diego Rodrรญguez de Silva y Velรกzquez, nace en Sevilla, Espaรฑa el 6 de Junio de 1599, fue un pintor barroco que destacรณ hasta el punto de ser considerado uno de los mรกximos exponentes de la pintura universal. sus primero aรฑos los pasรณ en su natal Sevilla, donde comenzรณ pintando con un estilo naturalista con cierto toque de iluminaciรณn violentamente contrastada por un fondo oscuro y focos de iluminaciรณn muy fuertes, caracterรญsticos del estilo barroco de esa รฉpoca. Cumplidos 24 aรฑos se traslada a Madrid donde es nombrado pintor del rey Felipe IV, donde pasarรญa 4 aรฑos antes de ser ascendido al puesto de Pintor de Cรกmara" cargo el cual era el mรกs importante entre los pintores de la corte. EN esto transcurriรณ su vida, crear obras de arte para el rey y la aristocracia, por lo general retratos de familias adineradas destinados a adornar sus mansiones, este trabajo le permitiรณ conocer la colecciรณn real de pintura, que junto con sus viajes a Italia, influenciaron fuertemente el rumbo artรญstico que Velรกzquez tomarรญa.

A sus 30 aรฑos, ya bastante definido en su estilo pictรณrico, realiza obras como La Rendiciรณn de Breda, y ya en su รบltimadรฉcada se volviรณ un pintor un poco mรกs esquemรกtico, dominando de forma extraordinaria esos fuertes contrastes de luz y sombra, esta รบltima etapa de su vida vio inicio con el Retrato del papa Inocencio X.

Su repertorio de obras varรญa entre 120 y 130 obras, y aunque fue reconocido como pintor universal ya tarde en el aรฑo 1850, alcanzรณ la cรบspide de su fama entre los aรฑos 1880 y 1920, รฉpoca del auge de los pintores impresionistas franceses, los cuales admiraban enormemente a Diego Velรกzquez, algunos, como Manet, lo llegaron a calificar como "El mas grande Pintor que haya existido" o "Pintor de Pintores".

Actualmente sus principales obras de arte, las cuales pertenecรญan a la colecciรณn real, se conservan en el Museo del Prado, en Madrid.

Diego Rodrรญguez de Silva y Velรกzquez, born in Seville, Spain on June 6, 1599, was a Baroque painter who stood out to the point of being considered one of the greatest exponents of universal painting. He spent his first years in his native Seville, where he began painting with a naturalistic style with a certain touch of lighting violently contrasted by a dark background and very strong light bulbs, characteristic of the Baroque style of that time. When he was 24 years old, he moved to Madrid where he was named painter of King Felipe IV, where he would spend 4 years before being promoted to the position of "Chamber Painter" position which was the most important among the painters of the court. In this he spent his life , create works of art for the king and the aristocracy, usually portraits of wealthy families destined to adorn their mansions, this work allowed him to know the real collection of painting, which along with his trips to Italy, strongly influenced the artistic direction that Velรกzquez would take.

At 30, already quite defined in his pictorial style, he performs works such as The Surrender of Breda, and in his last decade he became a slightly more schematic painter, extraordinarily dominating those strong contrasts of light and shadow, this last stage of his life he saw the beginning with the Portrait of Pope Innocent X.

His repertoire of works varies between 120 and 130 works, and although he was recognized as a universal painter already late in the year 1850, he reached the cusp of his fame between 1880 and 1920, time of the rise of French Impressionist painters, who admired enormously Diego Velรกzquez, some, like Manet, came to qualify as "The greatest Painter that ever existed" or "Painter of Painters".

Currently his main works of art, which belonged to the royal collection, are preserved in the Prado Museum, in Madrid.


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Fuente, Fotografรญa de De Diego Delso, CC BY-SA 4.0

La Venus en el Espejo es una de las pinturas mas importantes de Diego Velรกzquez, actualmente se encuentra en la National Gallery, en Londres, donde tambien se le ha llamado "The Robeky Venus" pues durante el siglo XIX estuvo ubicada en el Robeky Hall de Yorkshire, aunque anteriormente habรญa pertenecido tambiรฉn a Manuel Godoy y a la Casa de Alba, รฉpoca por la cual se presume que esta pintura se conservรณ en el Palacio de Buenavista, en Madrid, donde fue robada por algรบn miembro del ejรฉrcito ingles.

Esta pintura representa a la diosa Venus en una posiciรณn bastante erรณtica, recostada sobre una cama mirando fijamente un espejo al frente, el cual sostiene el dios del amor Cupido, su hijo. Esta es una de las tantas obras de Velรกzquez que hacen referencia a la mitologรญa, humanizando a las figuras de los dioses, convirtiรฉndolos en algo bastante mundano, en este caso, representando a Venus como una mujer humana, y no como a una diosa.

The Venus in the Mirror is one of Diego Velรกzquez's most important paintings, it is currently in the National Gallery, in London, where it has also been called "The Robeky Venus" because during the 19th century it was located in the Robeky Hall of Yorkshire, although previously it had also belonged to Manuel Godoy and the House of Alba, at which time it is presumed that this painting was preserved in the Palacio de Buenavista, in Madrid, where it was stolen by a member of the English army.

This painting depicts the goddess Venus in a rather erotic position, lying on a bed staring at a mirror in front, which holds the god of love Cupid, her son. This is one of Velรกzquez's many works that refer to mythology, humanizing the figures of the gods, turning them into something quite mundane, in this case, representing Venus as a human woman, and not as a goddess.


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Esta pequeรฑa rรฉplica la cual no hace justicia a la belleza de la pintura original, estรก hecha en una pequeรฑa superficie tamaรฑo A4, algo realmente pequeรฑo comparado con los 122 cm x 177 cm que mide originalmente esta obra de arte, trabajรฉ con tizas pastel, materiales que realmente me resultan muy รบtiles y sencillos de usar, para finalizarlo estuve cerca de 8 horas, poco tiempo comparado con lo que me lleva pintar con รณleos o con lรกpices de colores.

Esta facilidad de trabajo con estos materiales me lleva a querer experimentar un poco mas, tal vez realizar una colecciรณn personal con las rรฉplicas de las obras de arte mas importantes de la humanidad, pero hechas a pequeรฑa escala, un pequeรฑo proyecto, nunca mejor dicho, para disfrute personal.

This small replica which does not do justice to the beauty of the original painting, is made on a small A4 size surface, something really small compared to the 122 cm x 177 cm originally measured by this work of art, I worked with pastel chalk, materials I really find them very useful and simple to use, to finish it I was about 8 hours, little time compared to what it takes me to paint with oils or colored pencils.

This ease of working with these materials leads me to want to experiment a little more, perhaps make a personal collection with the replicas of the most important works of art of humanity, but made on a small scale, a small project, never better said, For personal enjoyment.




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