Into the Realm of the Drowned Queen - Willamette Abstraction Series

in #art6 years ago (edited)

willamette abstract Temple of the Water Goddess embossed 2.jpg

Pyramid of the Goddess

Every piece of art in this post started life as this macro shot of water ripples (right - my original photography). I previously posted about the process of creating the first abstraction from this image using the Deep Dream Generator.

For the series of art I am sharing today, I started with the first Willamette Abstraction image I created from the above ripples photograph (see linked post) and mirrored it four ways to get the next level of fun started (left).

I cropped out a pyramid section from the bottom of the mirrored image and ran that through the Deep Dream Generator. The result was kind of cool but the AI had trouble with some sections that turned out a little blurry, and I wasn't happy with the large chunks of black either:

I use the "select color range" feature (at max fuzziness) to cut out the darkest sections of the dream pyramid layer and let the original mirrored abstraction show through in those places. This did not work perfectly so I went through and manually erased in places to make the cut out sections clean. I added a stroke effect to the dream pyramid layer so every cut out section had a nice defined 3px-wide outline. Here is a process pic as I am in the middle of cleaning up and expanding the cutout sections in the dream pyramid layer (here I have disabled the original mirrored abstraction layer AKA layer 1, and added a white background so I could see what I was doing better).

Below is a mid-process transparency of just the dream pyramid layer. This should give you a good idea of what I am talking about RE cutout sections - toggle between night mode and regular mode and you will see that sections of this image are transparent cutouts:
willamette abstract skull crown transparent process1.png

Below is a farther along mid-process shot with the abstraction layer showing through - you can see that compared with the final Pyramid of the Goddess image (post cover image above), the original abstraction layer is muted gray tones where it shows through (everywhere that is white in the transparency above). You can also see that there are still quite a lot of dark areas in this process pic that end up being removed from the final version:

Once I was satisfied with the sections I had cut out (and after a little PhotoShop painting and smudging to fix colors on both the dream layer and the original pyramid abstraction), I added emboss and drop shadow effects to the dream cutout layer to make it pop out from the lower layer. I manipulated the color balance of the bottom abstraction layer to get the nice purples and pinks et voila, I arrived at the Pyramid of the Goddess image (post cover image, above). For reference, here is a transparency (toggle night mode for full effect) of just the final cutout dream layer with the emboss, drop shadow and stroke effects (I ended up making the stroke outline 50% transparent to give it more complexity of depth):
Willamette Abstract - Temple of the Goddess transparency.png

But was I done? Oh heck no ;) I mirrored the final product to create a diamond shaped design:

willamette abstract Temple of the Water Goddess diamond2.jpg

Then I rotated that and cropped out an interesting section - I really like this one! This "Temple Detail" also forms the basis for some of the derivations farther below:

Willamette Temple detail1.jpg

Temple Detail

I also cropped out a vertical strip of the diamond mirrored version (rotated 90°):

willamette abstract Temple of the Water Goddess vertical.jpg

I made a four-way mirrored spawn from the Temple Detail (this one is relatively high res, click to embiggen):

Willamette Temple detail spawn.jpg

More rotations and cropping ensued using the mirrored spawn from the Temple Detail as base:

Willamette Temple detail spawn detail.jpg

Willamette Temple detail stripmirror.jpg
Click to embiggen

Never one to rest on my laurels, I finally decided to take some of these new creations and run them back through the Deep Dream Generator, just for shits and giggles. Below is composite image made from the Temple Detail. I ran Temple Detail through the Deep Dream Generator and added that result as a layer over the original Temple Detail image. I used a layer mask to only reveal the new Deep Dream version in places (the more black and white and trippy-organic looking sections):

Willamette Temple detail1 dream.jpg

The Drowning Tree


i really liked the final outcome of this. It is like seeing the world from a giant squids stomach :)

What a perfect description!

The Drowning Tree makes for a hypnotic composition. I love your back and forwarth with the deepart AI, it’s something else. Do you ever feel like you’re talking to a friend?
I think it looks amazing, you should be proud.

Absolutely! I totally feel like I am collaborating with another person. I have a good back and forth with the AI :) BTW have you seen my @cyclops blog? (one of my many alter-egos) I am doing some fun stuff there with the AI, starting with post-it note sized pen and ink cross-hatch sketches and ending up with some pretty intricate final results.

I seee more than pyramids i see cities

ohhhhhhh I didn't see this was 10 days old :(

this is such a very cool post!! the amount of work in this is unreal but so worth it!!

what do you do with them when you are done? now you need to learn how to make a 3-D print of them? can you do that now? I'm so behind on technology........ but it would be cool on a wall!

It is rather mesmerizing, I see alien cities, buildings, creatures, robots it is a feast for pareidolias. I am always when symmetry suddenly makes inert things live, like we infer a "sentient" shape out them..

Fantastic digital art, Carl:) Thank you for also sharing your process:)

ufff :D very detailed with the process!!! looks like if it was painted using watercolor, very very creative technique <3 :3

That's some crazy abstract art! Tons of detail that seems like something really complex, but is just abstract. This kind of reminds me of something you would see in the old "Heavy Metal" magazine.

I LOVE this. These pieces are exceptional Carl--I really can’t get over them. Once you get the whole series done, would love to see a post with all of them would be so beautiful! <3

Haha these remind me of some things that I have seen after eating a certain fungus.

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