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RE: Marvel Legends: Wolverine vs Sabertooth Final Countdown

in #art7 years ago

Badge of Originality BUTTCOINS.jpg
'The Butt believes you have demonstrated #proofofpost'

i just want to say i have popped in and out of your posts and you are constantly getting better. these ones that you add the narratives are by far my favorites. this one with the blood streaks is next level.
i am armed with this new badge and a mission to find real people posting about things meaningful to them. i never would have thought i would have enjoyed looking at photos of toys. but your genuine love poured into your posts and action figures are felt. thank you


This is one of those times when I wish I was a writer. I am super thankful for all your support I cant put to words how grateful I am for the kind words. Thanks again I have tons of ideas and I always have a few more posts on the back burner ready to go!

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