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RE: The Big Blue Whale🐳

in #art5 years ago

Awww thank you! 💙

It's amazing you were able to draw me so well from memory! And I'm happy to hear that I was able to provide you some mental support even from the other side of the world 🌎🌍!

And thanks for sharing my project with everyone!(And every where!) it really helps and i really appreciate it 😊

p.s: lol surprisingly enough, this is not the first time someone said I look like someone from Titanic the movie... 😆

Much 💙,




Posted using Partiko Android

LOL this is so funny hahaha

anyway im making an account for you now bigbluewhale and sending you posting key over privnote on telegram cya soon! ill give uya owner key if u want

LOL this is so funny hahaha

anyway im making an account for you now bigbluewhale and sending you posting key over privnote on telegram cya soon! ill give uya owner key if u want

Lol he's already on Steemit: @bluabaleno

Posted using Partiko Android

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