Principle of the DaysteemCreated with Sketch.

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Principle:  Common sense is not common however, it is always applicable. and artwork by @bleujay.                            'Common Rocks'

Thank you Steemit readers.  Enjoy.


Thank you for your reply @paul-gillbanks.

Appreciate you stopping by.

You are probably right. That is a good one.

All the best to you and yours. Cheers.

Thank you for dropping by @watch-chronolg. is true.....however, where there is life there is hope.

Feels like you don't stop seeking the difference constantly, but you respect something common too. See you @bleujay

Thank you for your reply @bontonstory.

Common sense/practical sound judgment apart from any specialized knowledge, is hard to come by these days when we reject life's basic truths.

Always good to see you.

All the best to you. A bientot.

I have a same opinion. I respect the principle and the way you think. Thank you always @bleujay :)

Nice photos. Are the rocks in the last pic really blue or is it just the lighting?

Thank you for your kind words @roswellrockman.

How very kind of you to inquire.....the shells which look like dots of bleu are in reality a sort of purple colour and the stones and grass are digitally enhanced...the darker grays taking on the darker bleu and the greens a bit green-er.

Appreciate your stopping by. Cheers.

Yes, indeed... "Common Sense" — quite the oxymoron... :D

Thank you for the lovely photos, and your enhancements. Thanks also for posting them at high resolution; this enables me, when I see something of particular interest, to open the image in a separate window and "zoom in" for a closer look. ;)

Thank you for your reply @creatr.

Yes...not so common after all.

So glad you find the photographs and editing/doodling of interest.

All the best to you and yours. Cheers.

@bleujay .. can you buy it in the store?
:D kiddin'

Thank you for your reply @englishtchrivy and for preserving bleujays privacy.

You are too kind.

A good thought....buying it in a store?....brought to mind the works of Shakespeare and Jane Austin among perhaps the answer is yes....we can learn the easy way by becoming the student or we learn the hard way through the school of hard knocks.

Wishing you and yours all the best. Abientotlater.

Very true dear friend @bleujay congratulations, beautiful images
greetings to all the family

Thank you for your reply and kind words @jlufer. Always look forward to hearing from you.

All the best to you and your familia. Ciao.

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