
Thanks Brotha. Thought it turned out really good!

You are welcome. Good fit and flow, including suspense and sound effects, nice.
Did it take a long production time?

Ya it took longer than it should have. Had lots of tech probs with my gear. For example, I recorded the live drums with one mic lol bc my extra inputs stopped working with my soundcard and I was on a schedule. Had to do extra work to beef them up.

Another aspect of this project, it was a "re-score." There was already a soundtrack that I took out and replaced with my own. Problem there was that the sound FXs were affixed to the old soundtrack gaaaa! So I either made new ones or extracted whatever I could from the original track and inputted them in as best I could lol. It was a messy process yet I had a great time doing it. Really pushed me to work within ridiculous limitations and still get a quality product produced!!

Yeah, mixing media most often takes longer than you think it will. And murphys' shows up to offer anti-tech support ;)
If you enjoyed the process, great. Limitations are a great teaching tool, if you can hang without getting too frustrated or stressed.
I appreciate your works and like to see and hear more.

I kind of get off on limitations ha. The old underdog feeling i guess. More work to come. Trying to post more stuff theses days, drumming, singing piano and full band work. I generally submit an Original Song Demo to the weekly openmic contest. Lots of great stuff happening there too if you check it out.

Getting off on limitations = problem solver to me. Industrious and productive, good job. I do follow open mic and enjoy the variety.

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