Beauty In Failure

in #art7 years ago (edited)

It was the day before the week long exams for my son who is in 2nd grade. I had to ask what they did in school because he looked gloomy. He said they did some artwork for Valentine's Day.

"So, why the sad face," I asked. He pulled out his clearbook and just gave it to me without saying anything.

I opened it and here's what he did.

I told him it was beautiful. He said it wasn't. He wanted to throw it away. It turns out, they were given broken pieces of crayons and they had to tape it on the artpaper they were given. After which they had to use the hair blower and put it in the highest temperature to melt the crayons.

Now, that's why the blower wasn't in it's place that morning. Anyhow, the first few pieces melted just fine and made waves of colors on his paper. The others, he felt were stubborn and just wouldn't melt no matter how much time he aimed the blower at them. He got really frustrated that he ended up scraping the crayons off in hopes that they'd melt faster that way. They did but, he said they resembled poop color. Finished product should have them be able to write with a permanent marker what they want to say to whoever they were giving the art to.

His said, "Happy Valentines, Daddy and Mommy! I love you!" But them words couldn't be read just because he thinks he failed at how it was supposed to be done.

"Art should not have a norm, that's why it's art," I said, to which I knew he wouldn't understand at his age. He insisted it looked like poop. And I asked him if he knew why there's a poop emoji. He said he didn't know. I told him because some people like poop, because they're fun to look at, I don't know. But there are people who likes them.

Art doesn't have to be conforming with everyone's standard. Art has to be something that reflects your personality.

"Maybe that's why my art looked like that, mommy. Remember when I first started to know how to message you, I would always send you poop emojis?" Then, I saw his eyes sparkled.

I underestimated my son. He understood just what I wanted to tell him.

Thanks for reading!

Jonah (and John)

This is my entry to @erodedthoughts' Crayon Contest.


You are very loving parents. :) They'll grow up to be very nice people, full of positivity. :)

I hope so, brother! It's hard to keep up sometimes.

Well done, it's always nice when they understand you when you're having the hardest time telling them something.

Beautiful card too, much cooler than an emoji!!!

I know I am not a perfect parent but I am just glad I can always pull up something nice to say when my kids come face to face with life's hard situations.

Thanks for dropping by! 😄

Perfect parents are often the ones who are often clueless

Wow, I'm a dude and this post gave me feels :) Thanks @beatenegg!

It's surprising what conversations we can gets with kids sometimes.

Thanks for dropping by! 😊

Yea, can't wait for my own. But age and fiancial status aren't there yet :D np

I had the same lines. I thought I wasn't ready. 8 yrs later and with two kids, I'm still not ready but sure am happy.

Yea, then you know what I mean.
Definitely can't be ready ever, but as you are older you handled more situations than you did when you were younger, and probably have a lot more experience with younglings than as youngling yourself xD
Nothing beats love from kids...

Well, I don't know if I'm handling situations right. I hope I am. But thanks for the encouragement.

Are they alive? Are they happy? Are they loved? Do they have clothes to wear, food to eat? I think you're doing amazing job :) People remember emotions, nobody remembers material shit...

That's right!

<3 glad your son was happy at the end of it all
art is an expression, he understands that at his young age :)

Also, thanks for tagging steemph :)

I seriously thought he wouldn't but I'm glad he did. It's a little nerve wracking to answer to your kids sad situations sometimes.

Yep, hoping to share my life experiences with fellow Steemians from Ph. I joined its discord ch too. Nice to meet you! 😊

Nice! see you on discord!

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