
I just replied to a different comment of yours saying I didn't understand it so disregard that.

My number is 0041 . Hope you can find me with that. If I'm not responding to you hit me up on here, I don't really understand discord yet, and wouldn't be surprised if I missed your message

@herbertholmes#0041 is what I tried. It seems it doesn't work, I also tried without the @.

Me neither?

Screen Shot 2018-01-30 at 11.54.57 PM.png

Is that the right address? Maybe we just don't get it, ha!

Should be right, I used google (which said not to use the @ so maybe I broke it). I will google some more.

My bad: Sanne#0839 should work (It's 6 o clock in the morning here, I give it another try after some sleep)

Found this on reddit by lambsskin

Your Discriminator (4 digit id) can be found in the bottom left of the client or in your Account info under user settings.

To obtain your unique Discord ID, open User Settings > Appearance > enable Dev Tools. Then, right click your username in chat > copy ID.

I think I just added you, not sure!

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