
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh [hides under a thin blanket as it's too hot for slugbag]

[comes out]

This is a really spectacular drawing. I'm stealing it and going to keep it forever. I now need a hoodie with a rainbow cord!


You know, from the half-sights you posted I kind of pieced together what you look like, but I didn't think that you were like a final evolution of young @pixietrix! I've know you for a number of STEEM years now, and we're both at least top 3 most loyal follower of each other, but how come I've never seen your face before!? I feel like this is a momentous occasion haha! You look like a straight up badass hacker or a freerunner with the hood haha! Get out from under that weighted blanket and into the light, mateychops!

LoL! @artwatch did the most amazing job did she not XD She had to go mining through my blog to find one and then she made me look good! LoL final evolution of pixie, I like that XD

You have too seen my face, I've done a few selfie sketchies ;D Next one will likely be 3d-fyn (who needs redoing again, for the 3rd-5th time, I've lost count) and after that if you're all really lucky (or unlucky depending on how you view things!) I may commit a shot of my mug to the blockchain when I've gotten around to doing the steem mohawk (still currently undecided whether I'm going to go steem colours or toxic green first).


Oh right right! The one with the mohawk! But that's still a sketch, and not a straight up picture haha! We patiently await you showing your real face and etching it on the blockchain. I've had reservations with putting mine in as well, but when I finally got to it, I couldn't stop. I feel like the STEEM blockchain has more of my face than any other server!

Yay I am so happy you like it! This was one of fav to work on, and I was not even 100 percent it was you in the pic I found haha. What is your hair length/color? Did I get close at all?

Also I had no idea you are such a hottie. Jeese.

It is so beautiful!

And it probably wasn't me then I'm not a hottie [hides again] XD

I'm awfully curious to see the pic you found now XD

I currently have a mohawk which can end up crazy colours sometimes (I was planning on going toxic green soon but may go steem colours instead) and a ratty that was long til the end got cut off. My hair is pretty dark, my sister has lighter hair though, perhaps you found a pic of her :D


I will give you a hint. Yellow and purple means you lose bets. XP It was the only ones I could find ha ha. When I first saw your website I remember some shots of you in a black hoodie and thought maybe if you ever visited Canada you probably look like this. I thought maybe your hair would kinda match your kids. So your hair is kinda inspired by them in this - brown curls. IN the beginning I had platnum blond on the top and red tips, looked kinda cool but wasn't sure if you would like it.

AHH yes that's me XD

The kids slot between me and my partner in terms of colour scheme XD That would have looked pretty cool, I can't get to platinum blonde though. The hairdresser tried really really hard but the yellow in the reference photo is pretty much the lightest I can get to.

I showed it to my partner when he got home from work (everywhere seems to be doing half days today :D) and he thinks it's pretty cool too :D

[huggles picture like the precious thing it is]


@ryivhnn is awesome, I've known her since the inception of @teamaustralia She is an amazing artist, a lovely person and great follower.
Nice one for bigging her up @artwatch

Yeah, not gonna lie I was pretty bummed team Australia stole ryivhnn away. I eventually had to go hang out with my kind the sandwich eating Canadians. It was hard times lol.

I’ve always wanted to wear round glasses but I can’t rock them like this! Cat-eye for life for me! Lol

Only the right types of faces for round glasses for sure. Hope she liked my choices in the end.^_^

It’s aweslms! Geez you are good!!!!⭐️


She is one of the best steemers around.

10,000% agree. Maybe 1,000,000% agree... I'm not really sure on the math of my enthusiasm.

I am not either but I tend to agree with these caculations my good man.

A rare @ryivhnn sighting! If this doesn't deserve a 100% upvote I don't know what does! How did you manage to catch one in the wild!?

Had to creep her website like a stalker for a couple pages before I found one of her losing a bet. She has her site linked at the top of her feed.

Yay! Another piece to go down in history! I really like the expression you've captured. And you know how I feel about glasses ☺

Hello Artwatch... I love the painting...

And like you, I also love art. I have visited the Louvre(Paris), the Musee D'Orsay (Paris), Uffizi (Florence), the Metropolitan (New York), Museo Frida Kahlo (Mexico City), Rijksmuseum (Amsterdam), the National Gallery (London) and many more wherever I travel.

My advice to my sons: Never miss a chance to visit a good museum.

I have an idea for a new museum... Stay in touch. Follow me, and I will follow you, so we can exchange ideas and experiences.

bad ass my like lm :D

You do like glasses, don't you?

I love them on the right people. Ever see bleed in glasses? To die for. It is an interesting element to try and work into the concepts somehow. Some people already wear glasses where others I have to make up. It feels like I am kinda playing dress up with you all. "Here try these on...Hmmm No no that wont do... here try this pair on." It's fun.

wow looking beautiful your photography @artwatch

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