Some of my Star Wars fan art - The Last Jedi comes out this week!!!!!!!!

in #art7 years ago

Hey guys, if you've been following my other account (@allstarrunner) then you've been seeing that I decided to switch accounts to @ArtistChristian so the "branding" makes more sense when I release art tutorials.

Because of the switch I also want to move some of my art over to my "real" account now - so anyone coming to my account for the first time can see some of my art! (especially if they're going to be interested in tutorials by me!)

Thus, this post is a 'two birds with one stone' sort of thing: getting my some of my art moved to this account and anticipating the new movie!!

Which one do you like best? Tell me in the comments!
Will you be seeing the new movie this week???





Proof they are mine:


I sold the Darth Vader one, so I couldn't take a new pic of that one.


Wow, those are way better than I thought they would be! I hope you're asking good prices for them.. I think for the right starwars crowd they would pay good money for something that good!

I sold the vader one for $30, which I know I could I have got more for, but I sold it to a friend :)

Thats super cheap! I've met people who would pay $500-1500 for stuff like that!

i'm thinking about putting some of my stuff up on the steem marketplace, but I have yet to get around to it; I am a procrastinator. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow.

Vader, he's my favorite and you did a great job with him. How long did it take you to make these?

thanks! Hmm....that is a good question I did them a while ago. The pencil drawing amidala probably took the longest just due to the nature of the medium, I'd say that one took 8 - 10 hours? Then the stormtrooper probably took the next longest partially because I had just started using watercolor and was learning a lot (and making a lot of mistakes) while doing it - I'd say that one took around 6-7 hours. Almost random guesses though since I really don't track it!

You just get lost in time while doing them then? That's great. Keep it up!

yeah, i'd say that is pretty accurate! of course, the opposite is also true - sometimes I'm working on a piece and I'm really not happy with how it is turning out but I decide to push through and finish it anyway and when that happens each half hour feels like 2 hours because I just want to get it done!!

Nice work, they all look great :)

can you paint my face?
or full body
very nice and cool your art , your paint

Our shared admiration for Natalie Portman aside, I think I'll go with Vader for this one. I love the splashes on color and the texture on it. It's really imposing and intimidating, and I feel like it really captured the essence of the Sith Lord the way Rogue One did.

thanks! That was one of the first times I ever used watercolor! (the colors on his helmet are actually pastel (also the first time I used those!)). I want to do another vader one eventually....

Seriously!? Wow! You truly have a gift, brother! I never would've thought this was a work of a beginner. The depth of the whole helmet really looked like something made by a skilled veteran!

thanks, some mediums are just easier to use than others and once you know how to draw you already have learned a lot of the art theory that is required to then go from one medium to another.

Haha that's surprisingly encouraging!

My favorite is the same one that's your avatar. I am a fan of Natalie Portman's work. (Her SNL rap with Chris Parnell and Adam Sandberg was an instant classic and a personal favorite!) I haven't watched a Star Wars movie in I don't know how many years. I actually didn't even know there was a new one coming out, oops ☺

Thanks! I do like the one you said, plus it was super easy! I haven't seen that rap in such a long time, now i'm gonna have to go watch it again! I'm going to assume you don't have tv then? I can't imagine you missed all the star wars advertising! I have a tv but I don't have cable or anything, so I rarely see commercials - which I love avoiding!

Yeah, I quit tv a few years ago and never really looked back. I'm basically always out of the popular culture loop. But trust me, I received thousands of hours of programming before I severed my ties. Probably enough to last the rest of my lifetime! And YES - commercials drive me crazy too, I don't miss 'em. The last in-theater movie I watched was Logan, and I felt like I wanted a refund of my time more than anything. I'm sure this new Star Wars movie will be much better quality than Logan! ☺

I hear ya. I will also take 30 or so days off from the internet and I always find it refreshing. It's crazy how much time I waste on the internet! Reddit in

It's ironic how Internet time can morph into the twin of TV time, eh? Taking a breather is refreshing, exactly!

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