@pharesim - Steemit member painting #5

in #art6 years ago

Steemit member paintings #3 - PHARESIM

Hello Steemit community!

I wasn‘t here on Steemit for quite a while. After I realized that I cannot get over all the shit, which happened in the last half year, I seriously needed a change of scenery and traveled a bit to find myself again. All in all, it was a relief and I feel much better and stronger now – so it is good to be back here on Steemit.

The following painting is one of a series I did before I started to travel – actually it should be a charity painting for a charity project on Steemit I planned, but I felt that I don‘t have the power to found the whole project as a company in the moment and that I should focus on myself. So the actual purpose of my Steemit member paintings would have been to finance the project.

However, I still want to post them all and decided to concentrate on the basal things of my life and of course the dream to finance a proper oil painting education. I hope those paintings help me a little bit on my way to get there and I hope you like them 😊

Have a good time everyone and
much love!

Here is my tribute to witness @pharesim

Watercolours and fluid gold on heavy paper

the full images

Hallo Steemit, Ich war eine Zeit lang nicht hier, da ich dringend einen Tapetenwechsel nötig hatte, nachdem ich realisieren musste, dass ich all den Sch***, der so im letzten halben Jahr passiert ist, nicht in meiner gewohnten Umgebung verarbeiten kann. Ich musste also mal auf Reisen und bin nun gestärkt wieder zurück. Das folgende Bild aus einer Reihe von Steemit Mitglieder Aquarellen wäre eigentlich für ein Charity Projekt hier auf Steemit gedacht gewesen, aber da ich mir vorgenommen habe, mich auf die wichtigen und basalen Dinge in meinem Leben zu konzentrieren, poste ich sie einfach so und hoffe sie gefallen euch. Eine gute Zeit euch allen und alles Liebe!

Currently I am a self-taught artist, but I have the vision to absolve an accurate painting academy. So I highly appreciate every support from you guys on my journey becoming a professional painter. I would be more than happy, if you want to add me to your automatic voting list or if you RESTEEM my post!

Watch my other posts please


Holy shit! I don't even know how to say thank you for that! I've seen that you sent a message in chat, but that's not what I expected :D
Take my upvote, and if I could I'd vote more!

Hey Pharesim, thanks so much for the appreciation! It was much fun to paint it, especially with the gold. Felt a little bit like Gustav Klimt when I painted it :-D

nice one @art-universe

see Michael .. this one really looks like Jesus ^ ^


Thank a lot. you make me so happy tonight . God bless you

Cool work, @art-universe — so, that’s what @pharesim looks like! ✌🏼

Thank you :-)

great art it is

Thanks for sharing valuable post.
I continue follow your post.
I appreciate your contest

Cool painting and especially nicely used gold paint :D
I really want to figure out how to use it and silver in my art. Any tips?

Hey thank you! I have different gold medium. For this one I used a fluid gold. Its a small glas bottle like an ink bottle. Its perfect for watercolor papers and watercolors. If you want to use gold for oil paintings take gold leafs with an special glue, but the oil has to be super dry before. There is also a metal powder and a medium of Schmincke.

Good jop my frend

You master the art of oil painting very well, you should give me some tips @art-universe

this art looks very realistic, thanks for sharing.

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