
I think that's a shitty response for numerous reasons. Male & female relations are a zero sum power game. If you approve of that female behavior, it's the equivalent of putting them up on a pedestal saying their life is more important than yours. Paradoxically, the female considers that behavior of acknowledging them as desirable as indicating you to be a "beta male", lowering the value of your worth further.

It's a case of - if you give women an inch, they will attempt to take a mile. You can never ever subsidize bimbo behavior, because at the end of the day, the sole purpose of bimbo behavior is to attempt to try and extort resources from the male. That and it's other purpose is to try and get multiple males to fight to the death over the woman as a "prize" to serve a natural selection function.

By buying into this nonsense and subsidizing bimbo behavior, you're essentially decreasing your own lifespan and resources in the process. This means men should collectively shun bimbo behavior as unacceptable as the only logical move when the alternative is entirely negative for society.

The bimbos eventually start to amass a significant amount of resources from exploitation, but these are unproductive resources. It's like the difference in giving a billion dollars to Bill Gates versus Anna Kendrick. One might do something to push civilization forward, or stop it from imploding at the very least, while the other is just going to use it to subsidize bimbo behavior even more, hastening the collapse of civilization.

Ummmm...I'm pretty sure there's a study somewhere on how unhappy people die sooner than happy people.

Or is it unhappy men die sooner?

Being an ex-bimbo and a blonde, it's hard for me to remember factoids.

It is all an evolutionary game. Females typically (but maybe not all) need someone around to help pay the bills and raise the kids, and all the while they'll also be vulnerable to any bad boy alpha who offers a genetic upgrade. They are selling and we are buying, unless you are alpha then they are buying. The alpha has more options than time. So as I said for most men, we are shopping and they are selling. If your in the friend zone, they are only renting with limitations. It is just a fact of how evolution works. If you are alpha, you wouldn't complain.

Ah I don't spend more than 1% of my resources on a female, ever since I was taken to cleaners in my ignorant youth. And I found I get higher quality this way too. The more you spend, the more beta you are by definition. If you are wealthy, then 1% can be quite a comfortable life for her.

Btw I also believe one can have a passionate, caring, meaningful relationship and still not be her floormat.

Also don't let images fool you. Even the model who looks to have a bad ass snob attitude, it's just facade. There is a women behind that facade who is will be weak for her bad boy toy.

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