Math, Software and the Beauty of Fractals [Original Artwork]

in #art8 years ago (edited)

Universe itself is a fractal, an intricate combination of math formulas and geometrical, recursive shapes: it's so fascinating to lose into it!
So today I want to share with you some of my fractal artwork, created using Mandelbuld 3d software.

The software is not really friendly, you need to change some math formulas and wait a while to render the results. But it's worth the effort, sometimes! Until now, I was able to create only a few good artworks, and I want to share them with you here.

All pictures released under Creative Commons license. To verify my artworks check my web page here

Please leave your feedback and follow me @andrew0


I love MandelBulb 3D too. I've posted a few of my images here if you're interested...

  1. Connections
  2. The Mechanism

Thank you, they are both beautiful, following you :)

Thank you so much!
Will post more as I create something new :)

Thank you! I think only the first one is really good...
I'm going to experiment more in the future and post some more :)

Looking forward to the content! :)

Hopefully I will create more, I got so many different inputs and projects and sometimes I don't know which one should have priority :)

The first one is awesome!
It has a certain SF feel to it.

Thank you so much, often fractals have a SF but also organic feeling :)

At one time in my life I was a bit obsessed with fractals. Started with the Madelbrott set. 2D, took ages to render. Now 3D, think I'm gonna give it a try again soon. :-)

Also 2D can be cool, but 3D is way cooler, and you can even create animations (takes even more to render).
So technology improves but rendering times keep staying big :)

Think an animation of the First one would be awesome. Worth the wait. :-)

Yeah, I don't even know if I have the preset for that saved somewhere :)

I found the fractal art on pixabay quite useful when trying to find art to complement my sci-fi story. These two are quite good!

Thank you, working to make more of them :)

My goodness that is stunning!

Thank you so much! Glad you liked it :)

I can attest that this software is fun to use. I used it years ago when I was trying to teach myself openGL / SDL (which is not very friendly, mind you).

I managed to have a Mandelbrot generator where if you click on a pixel, it would generate the associated Julia Set.

I wonder where that code is ... somewhere lost in the abyss of things. Although, it may even be on this laptop I'm using now ... maybe I'll find it.

Anyway, I have been preparing a post on the math of the Mandelbrot and Julia Sets for awhile (it's related to chaos theory and was a natural extension of my chaos theory post from long ago). I can go ahead and add this topic in there, too!

Thank you for your feedback, @complexring!
The software is fun to use but also somehow painful (long rendering times, messing around with formulas and parameters, etc). Often I don't get great final results, other times I do, rarely indeed :)

If you write something related to chaos theory and fractals, please share it here on comments, I am very interested to these topics and very curious to learn more!

Thank you so much, I am not able to draw and paint, so at least I try something different :)

I have mandelbuld-images before, but these are the best, especially the alien cityscape in the top. Bravo!

It's all about creating math formulas, so usually I start from some prebuilt formula found on the internet and change some parameters until something interesting comes out :)

I know... strangest way to create an image :)

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