
Yeah Adam. Both of those guys are great. Rick has become a buddy of mine over the last year. He's a veteran of the visionary arts.

Is Rick on here? Stoked to see more people I'm familiar with joining up here :)

Not yet I dont think. I have been sharing a lot of my Steemit posts on Facebook and tagging other artists in them. A few have made the leap. I think the learning curve is a bit intimidating and if you don't understand the currency/economic concept it can put a damper on the interest level. But eventually, when folks begin to understand the blockchain and cryps gain traction in the mind of the majority, things like this will be a cake walk.

It's not THAT complicated to use it just as a social media site, and for artists it really offers a better way to present art in a social media context,being able to format posts and add pics this way etc..

I can relate ro that! Same thing with my friends on facebook...not many have made the leap and who did don't use their account yet!

I agree with you on the crypts front, when the majority understands it more, there should be a migration.

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