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RE: Crossing Romania in Seven Days. Wednesday-Day Three

in #archisteem6 years ago

This was really a jewel to look at! I loved the tour that you gave, It gave me plenty of reason to want to be there. They entire town is a history lesson! At the end, I loved the shot of the bells!

These little glimpses are amazing, Dan! @bluemoon! My wish is that they go further and perhaps you pick individual pictures and post them because there is far too much history and beauty for one post.

I have loved each and every one, without regurgitating what you have already said, you have done such a wonderful job capturing the feeling! I want to thank you so much for this and as my time is so short today, I will not even post, well, the market later, but none today. Time is getting away from me.

I really, really enjoyed that video!!! The start of it, showing the festival was amazing as was the rest!!! Awesome job!!!!


How pretty! Thank you. I wanted to make a better posting but the lack of time, likewise, did not allow me. Like you, I will not even post, probably ... I went away, in northern Romania, to see my mother. Unfortunately, she is very sick now.

I am so sorry to hear that, Dan!!! @bluemoon Do not worry about anything but your mother. I hope you find some improvement in her, so you can enjoy her company while you are visiting.

I think you are too hard on yourself. I love your posts and they are always interesting and informative and you even put a little food in there. How can you want any better!?

God Bless your mother and she is in my prayers.


Thank you very much, Denise. I really feel your good thoughts!

I am happy for that.

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