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RE: My dream game Inner Struggle is grounded in reality – with a twist

Hi @gabrielatravels, thank you for your opinion and for sharing my taste of games with great stories. I'm also now more interested in good narratives, instead of plain action games that I was when I was younger.

I think trends such as zombies, aliens and stuff like that come and go, but those games would need something unique so that I could relate to them. They need to feel real in a way, emotional, otherwise I can't get into them. Just looking at Destiny or Anthem screenshots makes me feel bored, with all due respect to those who like the games - I prefer real characters with a twist.

That is why I can't wait for Life is Strange 2 (you probably as well), the teaser trailer really looks like it could be the game we are looking for :D


Hell yeah!! I remember I pre-ordered life is strange: before the storm. Probably I will do the same now with life is strange 2, haha

I was so disappointed with Before the Storm. I was hoping that they were building a huge twist/revelation during the first two chapters, but no, it was just your average "I hate my parents, let's run away" teenage story.

But Life is Strange 2, there is definitely some sort of power, judging by the police car flipping over.

I remember that I tried to help Rachel understand her parents but in both ways the story ended really sad. But just as you said, Life is Strange 2 is definitely going to be something different :)

Yes, there was no real closure, it sucked no matter what your choices were. That is what I don't like about the series, it's still very linear despite the apparent choices.

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