My dream game Inner Struggle is grounded in reality – with a twist


Every player has a dream game, or at least has thought of a million ways to improve those great games out there. My dream game is a MOBA where you could…

No, wait, come back, I’m kidding. The world doesn’t need any more MOBAs, right?

Now seriously, as a fan of in-depth storylines and sadly lacking the time and mindset to play those endless, life-consuming RPGs, my dream game would be a simple – so to speak – adventure set in the real world, but with supernatural elements. I mean, who among you never dared to dream about discovering superpowers and using them for the great good/greater evil?

Wait, that does sound somewhat familiar…

It’s probably because it is, but it doesn’t end there. The obvious inspiration for my dream game would be Life is Strange – a regular person (man or woman), used to his daily routine and dull activities, suddenly discovers/triggers a special ability that could change his fate and the one of everyone around him. The plot would see him change from an average Joe into a person that is known worldwide, either adored or loathed. Usually both.

However, choices! Unlike the aforementioned inspiration, my dream game – which I could call something like Inner Struggle, out of my head – your actions would have actual consequences and turn your world upside down, even more considering that your character has a job, a husband/wife and a baby. That aspect alone would play a larger part in the plot, as you would potentially be placing them at risk with your decisions. Having a superpower could be the greatest gift and the utmost punishment at the same time.

Now let’s get into a general description of the dream game – Inner Struggle, remember? –, which wouldn’t be in any sort some sort of Marvel-inspired game or something. I’m not a fan of superhero comic books or movies (apart from some spectacular action scenes), so it wouldn’t be all flashy and shallow, instead being more grounded, more realistic, with your character being an exceptional creature without any equal.


The setting

I don’t know about you, but I’m bored to death of fantasy and blatantly dull sci-fi environments and lore. I can’t be bothered to tell one Destiny from an Anthem, or a Dragon Age from an Elder Scrolls. As odd as it may seem, I think there is a severe lack of games based on our current days, our “normality”, which is so rich and such an incredible nightmare fuel for the most amazing stories – hence Stranger than Fiction.

One of the things that caught my eye about Max Payne was the gritty metropolitan setting, which felt fresh, against all odds. My dream game would be set in a busy metropolis, with occasional visits to more bucolic locations, such as farms or the occasional ruins. It would feature changing weather to bring diversity to the character’s daily routine and conversations with NPCs – because nowadays you can get thunderstorms one day and have an incredibly sunny day the next. The city would be open world and you could drive your vehicle wherever you wanted to – think of it of a Grand Theft Auto but without all that theft.

In fact, I could say that my dream game would take elements from Life is Strange (for the special power), GTA (for the busy open world location) and some sprinklings from Quantic Dream – not the Fahrenheit madness, mind, but the conflicted choices and no-return options.


The mechanics

You would play the game in third-person, because this perspective gives you a good look of the game world while never forgetting about who you are and how you look. A sprint option is available outside of your home and other confined spaces, but doing this in a crowded place would grab everyone’s attention, turning their heads to look at your desperate running – a small detail that I find missing in many games, as it’s not usual for someone to normally run around without raising suspicion.

There would be no violence apart from the set pieces where you would get into some fistfights, and some thrilling on-foot chasing through alleys and backyards. Definitely no quick-time events (as in press left, press right, press left and so on), but you would have some timed scenes where you only have a few seconds to decide what to do – pause button disabled during these scenes, sorry guys, no cheating!

My dream game would feature a heavy dose of investigation; talking to NPCs, picking up the pieces of a puzzle and making sense of it, so you could discover where to go next and how to act. You wouldn’t be spoon-fed, that’s for sure.


The superpower

This one is obviously debatable and deciding what to make of it may drastically affect the way that the game and the story unfold. I’m pending towards teleportation, a superpower that would allow you to appear from thin air in certain locations within a predefined range. The idea is to have these set pieces where your timely intervention would shift the balance in favor of good or evil.

For example, a bank robbery (you could appear and stop the robbers, or just help them out); arson (would you stop the fire or let it happen); a hostage situation (no need to describe), among others. Your investigative skills would determine if you were able to find these crime scenes in time, for which you had access to a police terminal – because, thankfully, your brother is a cop and conveniently has access to these tools. Along with your wife, they are the only ones who know your secret, as you put on a mask to cover your identity while using your ability. Nothing fancy or inspired by an insect/animal/god (pick one cliché), just something that you designed in ten minutes without really thinking too much about it.

It would be extremely easy to break such a game if you could use your superpower at will, so there must be some limitation at play. Since you just discovered it and can’t exactly explain how it happened or how you control it, you would be limited to using it for these important events; otherwise, appearing inside the women’s locker room would probably be the favorite activity of 99% of male players.


The choices

Choices are the main element of this game. Although they are based on a straightforward good vs. evil system, these would completely redefine your experience. Going for the good path would allow you to keep your marriage and be admired by everyone, while choosing the evil path would turn your city into a dark, desperate place where people feel unsafe and scared. And obviously, divorce and a life of loneliness.

A moral compass would tell you where you stand at all times, and while you could choose to perform a good action followed by an evil deed, whatever happened before would most likely be definitive and impossible to change, as your path is now carved in stone. Your every single action has consequences…


The consequences

As I’ve explained earlier, being mostly good would mean wonders to your family life, but every single bit of your life and identity will eventually be dissected and discovered by some real scumbags. These criminals see you as a major hurdle for their business and conspire to take you out of the picture. How?

By kidnapping your wife and/or daughter. Being good would eventually place in the most dreaded situation of all, where you would have to use all your skills to discover where they took them and how you could save them. Remember that these crooks know about your superpower and would surely be waiting for you, back against the wall, taking turns. This would be the climax of the game for the good path.


The conclusion

This is my extremely simplified draft of my dream game. I honestly haven’t thought that much about the technicalities, but I have a very clear idea about how it would look and play. It’s an adventure and it could easily come from the mind of a Dontnod, Telltale or Quantic Dream designer, with a heavy focus on atmosphere and storyline. There would be a build up to your big discovery, friends lost and deceptions as you go, in the same way that good movies keep you thrilled and guessing.

My dream game isn’t one for stats lovers or for those who are looking for relentless action and endless loot; it would be akin to reading a good book where you are the hero or watching a thrilling movie. It wouldn’t be a superhero game by any means, just like the movie Chronicle wasn’t about superheroes, instead focusing on regular people gifted with extremely dangerous powers. It’s about how you would cope with them.

My dream game is about a drastic, remarkable change in your life and what you would do about it.

Written for the “Describe your dream game” contest by @enjar from the Archdruid community. Images fully licensed from

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I love the central idea about your dream game.

In reality, this is the game being played by all of us... A struggle to get to where we want to be. Or like you put it, from "average Joe's, to someone people admire, loathe or both".


I guess xD Apart from the superpower, we're all superheroes in our own way :D

Hahaha. Indeed. Lovely writing. Gonna follow you back in a bit. Have a lovely night or day, wherever you are :D

Thanks, same to you, man. :)

Amazing sounding game! I love games with choices that have real meaning (I particularly liked Witcher series), where it isn't sugary goodness or cartoon evilness...

Learning to deal with a new-found superpower is just the thing that sparks my interest. I am sick of games where you are an unstoppable force of nature. The idea that your "gift" comes with difficulties and consequences is a great and realistic notion!

Exactly. It would be a perk with very real consequences. The Witcher series is a good example as well, new games need to improve on those lessons.

Ha- funny how you described playing this game to be akin to enjoying a thrilling book- I was going to ask you if you were a fan of thriller novels as this is the overall feel I was getting from your Dream Game- only, of course, your character also has the superpower to play with.

Interesting concept! E

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Indeed we have seen men fight and shoot with known skill.
An idea of super natural powers will make the game more adorable.
Am not a fan of cheap strength. I would want a player who is so unique and powerful, and with a lot to complete,for example sensing the things to happen next, that would be to prophecy, or the ability to change onto another person or shape.
And it will better be a free choice game, where you would be from to go anywhere,not just given specific missions.
And I would love one that involves exploration of discovering a new planet with unique features.

I agree with most of what you said, apart from the new planet - I don't want classic sci-fi getting into the mix. Maybe discovering a mystical location on Earth would be more interesting.

"the ability to change onto another person or shape." - Omikron: The Nomad Soul does that, and I loved that game to bits. First Quantic Dream game ever made :)

This is a neat idea, and reminds me of a discussion contest going on over here about how super powers could have negative repercussions.

I like the idea that being good would have very bad consequences for your family. To be punished in the short term for doing good, or rewarded in the short term for being bad, is one of life's great struggles. As long as, like in real life, it all comes back around in the end ;p

And that is the actual truth, a superpower could do more harm than good for the one that has it. We're all wishing for that, and in the end it could be the worst thing to happen.

That is an interesting post you linked to. I'll have to find the time to enter :)

A great discussion, I hope you do have a chance to stop on by!

Thanks for posting your thoughts here on Steem :)

The "super hero" grounded in reality really is a great concept. Where in comics it's usually "Let's do anything and everything in our power to capture this villain" with little to no consequences, even when you destroy the city around you.

I think that's why I enjoyed the recent adaptation of Dare Devil. Where it was an ordinary man with extraordinary talents. Who used his abilities to stop the scumbags of the world. Despite being blind!

A great idea! I'd definitely play it. :)

I haven't seen the recent Dare Devil, but I guess that is where I would go - someone random, anonymous, in a new world where his every mode would take the game down a different road.

That is still one of the biggest thing I think most games are lacking today and that is having enough choices. You would think with how advice AI was getting and how far an algorithm can generate things that we should not be so limited anymore by just having a couple of options.

What if I decided in a video game inside of doing A, B, C, Or even D sometimes I just go my own route for a quite. I decided I’m just not turning this item in I’m simply going just keep it. Well unless that was an option you are now at a standstill. Can’t progress without turning in that item. Yet why should you not be.

Me not turn in an item yes is a consequence on its own by not being able to advance the story line. That is simply due to the limitation already set in place.

A really interesting application of gaming is simply ones based on real jobs that train people. Why go to a 4 year college when in a year of someone playing a videogame they are already doing what they would be doing. Even further mix in VR and a remote job positon and they could be doing that job.

Gaming has so a wide range of applications. I can’t wait to see it being used in more facets of our lives. It really could be a great way to spice up the boring tasks that no one needs to do. Add in some augmented reality and suddenly being a janitor vacuuming floors and picking up trash is now a game.

You make very valid points, especially how we're still so limited in choices with all the advances in AI and resources.

Your example is a perfect one that should be made seamless in most, if not all games. You retrieve this object that you could a) deliver as intended b) keep for yourself c) sell someone else d) destroy e) blackmail someone f)...

This would open several paths that would in turn open other paths and make for a very unique, customized experience. Not your usual A or B limitation.

I would prefer a short game (5, 6 hours) with these options than a 20 hours game with dual or no choices.

Those 5 or 6 hours game even if they are amazing just don’t do it for me anymore. If I need learn about a world, the rules it, it’s everything. I want get some use out of it. Otherwise my required knowledge of a game is not really a big deal if it ends in only a few hours.

While I’ve not been biggest fan of automation and think it is some of gaming current issues with how stale things have become. I can see at a point where they finally have nailed it down to the point gamers get to benefit form a longer play of game and it will still be amazing.

What you're talking about is Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 :) I can see how these games are/will be right up there with the best ever made, in terms of world design and gameplay choices. However, for a shorter, more intimate experience I would prefer more meaningful choices in a smaller world (city), a place that needs no further introduction as we already live on it :D

I didn't get a clear idea of the game until you mentioned Chronicle. I think I can imagine well (not as clearly as you, of course) how the game would play, and how interesting of a story to follow it would be.

I like the player's ability to decide to choose to be good or evil, like the bank robbery scenario you explained. But usually I'd love to go with the "good action followed by an evil deed". Like, appearing in the bank robbery scene, help them steal the money, escape together, then betray them and keep the money for myself. I don't know why I have strange fixation for betrayal lol.

And having other people that the MC deeply care for--the wife and kid--really makes the player more involved with the game. Because most of the time the consequences of a player's action are applied to, well, the MC himself, and I don't think it feels as much emotionally punishing as having your wife and kid at risk because of your doing.

The thought of losing your wife and kid which will affect the main character's life because of your decision, I think it'll lift the "Your choices matter"-meter higher. Well, that's what I thought of this interesting concept of yours.

Your opinion just illustrated how deep the game would be, despite its obvious Telltale/Dontnod roots: choices that would take you down different roads, with a HUGE emotional impact. You're absolutely right when you said that the consequences to the main character aren't that emotional, so having someone to think of at every move (wife and kid, brother, parents...) would definitely shake your moral compass.

No bland "good/evil", but a game where you were at a crossroad every step of the way.

I haven't played yet Quantic Dream but Life is strange and GTA are some of my favourite series so taking elements from these games sounds interesting as both of the series are very different and that made me curious to keep reading.
You've also mentioned about Max Payne, yet another series that I loved and I do hope there will be a continuation of it.
But you are totally right, nowadays many people focus on different superpowers or skills so far away from reality so making a game which shows the current situation we live but adjusted with some fancy powers sounds just great.
When I was younger I was playing lots of MOBA or multiplayer games but lately I'm more into those based on a storyline and the game should have a great start or at least to get my attention so I could keep playing it because I kind of lose my interest if there is too much SF, aliens, zombies, etc.
I'm happy though to say that your dream game might become my dream game too as it's really interesting what you were thinking to. :)

Hi @gabrielatravels, thank you for your opinion and for sharing my taste of games with great stories. I'm also now more interested in good narratives, instead of plain action games that I was when I was younger.

I think trends such as zombies, aliens and stuff like that come and go, but those games would need something unique so that I could relate to them. They need to feel real in a way, emotional, otherwise I can't get into them. Just looking at Destiny or Anthem screenshots makes me feel bored, with all due respect to those who like the games - I prefer real characters with a twist.

That is why I can't wait for Life is Strange 2 (you probably as well), the teaser trailer really looks like it could be the game we are looking for :D

Hell yeah!! I remember I pre-ordered life is strange: before the storm. Probably I will do the same now with life is strange 2, haha

I was so disappointed with Before the Storm. I was hoping that they were building a huge twist/revelation during the first two chapters, but no, it was just your average "I hate my parents, let's run away" teenage story.

But Life is Strange 2, there is definitely some sort of power, judging by the police car flipping over.

I remember that I tried to help Rachel understand her parents but in both ways the story ended really sad. But just as you said, Life is Strange 2 is definitely going to be something different :)

Yes, there was no real closure, it sucked no matter what your choices were. That is what I don't like about the series, it's still very linear despite the apparent choices.

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