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RE: My dream game Inner Struggle is grounded in reality – with a twist

in #archdruidcontest6 years ago

That is still one of the biggest thing I think most games are lacking today and that is having enough choices. You would think with how advice AI was getting and how far an algorithm can generate things that we should not be so limited anymore by just having a couple of options.

What if I decided in a video game inside of doing A, B, C, Or even D sometimes I just go my own route for a quite. I decided I’m just not turning this item in I’m simply going just keep it. Well unless that was an option you are now at a standstill. Can’t progress without turning in that item. Yet why should you not be.

Me not turn in an item yes is a consequence on its own by not being able to advance the story line. That is simply due to the limitation already set in place.

A really interesting application of gaming is simply ones based on real jobs that train people. Why go to a 4 year college when in a year of someone playing a videogame they are already doing what they would be doing. Even further mix in VR and a remote job positon and they could be doing that job.

Gaming has so a wide range of applications. I can’t wait to see it being used in more facets of our lives. It really could be a great way to spice up the boring tasks that no one needs to do. Add in some augmented reality and suddenly being a janitor vacuuming floors and picking up trash is now a game.


You make very valid points, especially how we're still so limited in choices with all the advances in AI and resources.

Your example is a perfect one that should be made seamless in most, if not all games. You retrieve this object that you could a) deliver as intended b) keep for yourself c) sell someone else d) destroy e) blackmail someone f)...

This would open several paths that would in turn open other paths and make for a very unique, customized experience. Not your usual A or B limitation.

I would prefer a short game (5, 6 hours) with these options than a 20 hours game with dual or no choices.

Those 5 or 6 hours game even if they are amazing just don’t do it for me anymore. If I need learn about a world, the rules it, it’s everything. I want get some use out of it. Otherwise my required knowledge of a game is not really a big deal if it ends in only a few hours.

While I’ve not been biggest fan of automation and think it is some of gaming current issues with how stale things have become. I can see at a point where they finally have nailed it down to the point gamers get to benefit form a longer play of game and it will still be amazing.

What you're talking about is Witcher and Cyberpunk 2077 :) I can see how these games are/will be right up there with the best ever made, in terms of world design and gameplay choices. However, for a shorter, more intimate experience I would prefer more meaningful choices in a smaller world (city), a place that needs no further introduction as we already live on it :D

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