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RE: The Flip (Emotional Game Moments contest entry)

This post kind of chills my blood to read, especially with a game called Risk, which is the theme of every day we live, it can be taken away in an instant, never to be finished.

My friends and I discovered how much fun this game was because it brought out our competitive natures, but we soon learned it also exponentially heightened our adrenaline. Some of our games ended due to board-game flipping fits. I'll take the blame for most of them, because I was a conniving truce-maker, willing to flip alliances to whichever side provided me the best advantage.

I've learned my lesson, and decided to keep that game in the closet, because it really just wasn't fun anymore once it got down to the last two players, and none of the losing players could participate for those ending hours. It always came down to dumb luck of the dice, and whichever player was going to get the final card match. With an army large enough, any idiot could conquer the world in a single turn. Nobody wanted to lose to an idiot.

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