Stellaris: First Situation Report for the United Nations of Earth

in #archdruid6 years ago

Well... my go to game at the moment is Stellaris, which is a Paradox Grand Strategy game set in space. Partly, I'm forced to be on my laptop (an XPS 15, which runs this quite smoothly!) as my mother is visiting us, which means that the room where my main gaming computer is housed is not available for gaming use!

Lucky for me, I'm a huge fan of the Paradox grand strategy games, so the fact that I'm "forced" to play one is no punishment at all!


As I normally play these 4X Space Strategy games, I always choose the hugest biggest universe that my computer can handle! Then I tend to play a research focussed game, this time with the Humans as my first race (as the preset United Nations of Earth), seeing as I wanted to dive straight in and not have to deal with the race editor.

As you can quite plainly see from the universe map, there is quite a great deal of exploration to be done! There is nothing better than starting with a huge empty expanse of mystery! In many ways, I find this to be a nice diversion from the other Paradox games of alternate histories... the layout of the Earth is a relatively known quantity!

Current State of exploration

My current state of exploration for the United Nations of Earth is relatively decent, and I've started to make contact with alien empires as well. My first contact was with the Citizen State of Aeblina (to the "north-west", the purple bordered empire. This was a decent first contact to have, as it was incredibly peaceful and we quickly established trade/migration/research treaties.

My second alien contact was to the "east", with the Eruxo Authority (brown). We hit it completely off on the wrong foot from the start, which later lead to a war which I'll describe later.

My third and relatively quite recent alien contact was with the Yibrak Union to the "south-east" (the Green empire). This has been a bit of a tepid contact, they are neither friendly nor nasty, but there is a potential spark near their border that might lead to later conflict.

In the north and the south, I am hemmed in by hostile Space Amoebas which I could possibly punch through with my single Battle Fleet, but I would surely suffer enough losses to be severely weakened if any of my neighbours decided to take advantage. So, I'm currently researching a technological way to tame the Space Amoebas, which would allow me to hopefully pass through their territory without an unnecessary fight.

Also to the South, I have discovered an interesting Primitive Iron Age civilisation. I am taking steps to build an observation post nearby to keep an eye on their development and to see if I can aid them in taking their first steps into Space!... besides, they are a cute Fungus based race!

I'm a nasty person....

When I first made contact with the Eruxo Authority, they had the Corvall star system in their control. Seeing as they were so initially hostile with me, I decided that I would take that system from them, as it was quite a strategic choke point for fleets that would need to use the hyperlanes. Capturing this star system would mean that I would control the only entry and exit point into and out of our empires at the border. So, I made up a claim on the system and went to war...

... oh come one... they are "Slaving Despots"! Well, at least that was my justification for releasing my dogs of war....

Due to an incredibly lucky early exploration find, I had three relatively advanced Corvettes in my fleet. These were much more powerful than anything that either the Eruxi or I had in our regular fleets. So, the war was quite short and swift, and they surrendered the Corvall system in short order after I surgically destroyed their fleets and then started upon their homeworld.

Currently, we have a temporary truce. But, I think I'm going to push my advantage when the truce ends to capture the next system in the line as it has a very enticing colonisable world that I can use as a forward staging base to keep the Eruxi in line for the future.

Potential Flashpoint?

Just a little to the south, I have discovered a rare resource in the system that borders the Yibrak Union. I really want this resource as it appears to be incredibly valuable for future technologies and engineering, so I'm going to aggressively push my border right up to the Yibrak Union. At the moment, they are pretty neutral with respect to my empire, and I'm hoping that this won't bother them too much. Especially as I am seriously considering starting the second phase of my war with the Eruxi and I don't have the fleet power to deal with two empires.


So there you have my current universal state of affairs for the United Nations of Earth. I have won a short and decisive war against the Eruxi, and I'm planning a second phase whilst they are weakened. I am pushing hard to the borders of the Yibrak to capture some much needed resources, whilst on the other flank, I am hopefully dealing with a future ally.

Meanwhile, I'm hoping my research will provide me with a conflict free way of continuing my exploration to the North and South which will allow me to expand without bumping head to head with my neighbours.

So, there you have it... hopefully my next Situation Report will be a rosy one filled with peace and the greatness of the United Nations of Earth!

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@bengy that is quite an interesting game! (: Especially the strategizing bit.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's a great game, slow moving and you need to lay out some long term plans...

I read the title and I was wondering what UN report you were talking about, to see it was a game. Catchy trick! Sounds like an interesting way to kill time for those who are passionate by games.

Lol! I hadn't thought about that, as the name was randomly generated from the choice of race and faction!

... Didn't you know that the UN has reformed itself into a space faring empire whilst keeping us on Earth in the dark about it? Wake up! The evidence is around us! Somewhere....

This is a nice and fun After Action Report.
Keep up the good work and keep on conquering!

Thanks! My first time trying to write an AAR, it's kinda interesting and helps focus my strategy going forward!

Good recap and review of the game. I really would like to play more games again but just don't have the time.

Thanks! I struggle to find time... But it is my hobby, so it is my wind down in the evenings after the kids go to bed!

I'd never heard of this game before, but I might have to check it out. I have always been a fan of strategy games. I am not that great at them, but I enjoy playing them. I couldn't tell you how many hours I have logged away playing Civ III.

I love the Civ hands, but I have to say these new wave of evolving the 4X genre is really bearing some really great fruit (and some rotten ones). The Endless series, this Stellaris and Distant Worlds are some of my top recommendations!

Your post was upvoted by the @archdruid gaming curation team in partnership with @curie to support spreading the rewards to great content. Join the Archdruid Gaming Community at Good Game, Well Played!

Thanks for the support!

I like Stellaris but I was disappointed that I have to buy an expansion in order to build megastructures. I was looking forward to my Dyson sphere.

(Hm, I think I bought the expansion when it went on sale but haven't yet given it a try.)

That's paradox games for you.
But at least in multiplayer, you could enjoy it all, if the game host has the required dlcs:)

I'm not up to Dyson sphere yet! But the bad game so far is going pretty well, I will probably try out the expansions when they have it all released.

See, that was a fun report.
Sadly, as it is the case with stellaris, I cannot relate.
Are those powerful enemies? Or just some weak backwater nations?
This is my weakness, staring at maps and comparing history.
Not possible within stellaris

I think that is the part that I like best about Stellaris, that you are completely in new territory for everything!

So far, the other empire are roughly similar strength... I think, at least that is what my Intel tells me... But I'm not sure. I do have my 3 advanced corvettes up my sleeve for the moment, they are worth roughly 3 of the current tech corvettes. However, that advantage won't be permanent, in the other hand I don't want to war against the empires that I currently have good relations with. I need more time to consolidate industry and borders.

That said, I am more than happy to smack the Euruxi around. They keep insulting me, and I have wiped out their fleet already and I know I can do it again!

Have you ever payed Elite dangerous

I remember playing an Elite ages ago, I loved it at the time, but I'm not sure if would hold up. Elke Dangerous is the remake? For space flight sinds I live the X3 universe... Lots of detail, but it has been a long time for that as we!

I have never heard of this game but it sounds quite interesting thanks for the review

No problem! It is a great piece of slow and long form gaming!

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