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RE: @dan larimer just stated he has a working internal test net eosio voice with all the steem content

in #appics5 years ago (edited)

Hey @ackza I see I finally get a reply from you, albeit a little heated it seems.

I don't ever recall @dan or @ned ever really explaining what happened to their fallout. @dan did leave the Steem blockchain to create a new one in EOS. I am not sure how Dan is going to fix Steem by "doing this" which I think is launching EOS Voice. If you could explain this that would be great. I really can't speak to what Steemit, inc does or doesn't do, although I do agree that they lack the degree of network support and governance that maybe the Bitcoin or Ethereum foundation do to their perspective networks. I do think that the fallout between Dan and Ned hurt the Steem blockchain tremendously, and that ultimately the Steem blockchain community was hurt the most without Dan's amazing talents to drive optimization of the blockchain.

I do apologize for saying that Dan was going to kill Steem. I think it was something that I heard or read a while ago, and looking at it now, probably confused it with a title to a post from Jeff Berwick about Dan called Steem Co-Founder Dan Larimer On Why He Left Steem & His New Potential Ethereum Killer Cryptocurrency EOS. I don't recall the video, but the title has "Steem" and "killer" so that is probably where that came from. I apologize for the mistake.

I do agree that it is software, but it isn't just Any software.... it is a blockchain with an online community of people. I do agree that he has no actual contractual obligation Steem, but just think how many would now feel if he suddenly had a fallout with others on the EOS platform and he decided to leave to create and work on another blockchain that wasn't EOS? I am sure you and many others would not be happy. You might not be upset or angry, but you also would not be cheering him on as he would no longer be working on EOS to work on some new blockchain.

I highly doubt this happens since Dan now is extremely crypto-wealthy with his EOS holdings, and believe me, I have no problem with him increasing his wealth status as EOS price climbs, in fact I cheer too (hint hint).

And yes EOS does have network congestion. I am not spreading FUD. EOS CPU Congestion Solved?! REX Upgrade Successful! Top 21 BPs Enacted Upgrade in Just 48 Hours, and it seems that it still might be having problems for a bit longer until this gets implemented. We shall see I am on the EOS blockchain in a few hours whether it is truly fixed or we are still waiting for a month or so for this to go into effect.

@ackza this has nothing to do with jealousy or lack of any coin that I can assure. I haven't re-staked in REX and don't plan to for now, as I know that there are currently some temp solutions via some different EOS wallets and projects but for now I am just waiting, seeing as I can't transact as I used to. I suspect I will be able to again soon but again, I will check that later tonite.

You are right about now needing a stake in Steem in order to transact, something that is newer I believe but also as a counter against spam and other nefarious acts.

I appreciate all you do for crypto @ackza I always see you doing all kinds of mad crypto stuff, it actually blows me away how you keep up with it all.

Anyhow, apology accepted, and I also know you are heavily enthused about all of this so no harm no foul, all good my friend. Take care.


ok im glad we can talk. and im glad we can be friendly. I just see a need for steemians to accept eos not as competitor ju more like, a tool for the steem engine to work. eos is like having a steady supply of coal its like owning a coal mine for a steem engine to just be pumping and running.

We need eosiof ro all sorts of things liek smart contracts now theyc an be plugged in

steem will be the social media back end for what voice can do as a social media layer

we still havce no idea how voice even works so, dont expect me to know :D But we will find out Valentiens day, all i can do speculate and guess and make ideas and i feel dan larimer wants that because he has billions and years to play with.

I really have no idea what he means by he running steem inside eosio test net with all steem content... i dunno if hes just scraping teh steem posts or if hes just snapshotted steem content from NOW on out or if hes ACTIVELy pulling in steem content from steem witnesses which woudl be cool, now that'd be like inter blocckhain communication ietehr way I have my own way to onboard steemians to eos, and i already started with steemp and i f my EOS VC proposal gets funding i can start a dapp for steemians in eosio, for steem engine and have EOSCOT BOT . For EOS reward pools ,

Anyway this is just all what i would do, no idea what dan means but it MUST be a good thing for steem because he doesnt HAVE to help steem, but I feel hes actually salvaging the thing he worked on and he KNOWS he must do something for all the users on steem because they are what will make or break his popularity and that si what makes or breaks VOICE and theers a few BILLIOn dollars oin investor money riding on that.

haha i have to go for a walk ive been putting off here for a while now, but ill explain later in or here :)

I am glad you responded in frindly way even with my heated response but hey at least i also upvoted you and that's what really matters to outsiders lookin in righ? we can have a heated discussions and yet, give each other value :D Its some of the best parts of steem shining thru... and its what @dan is going to try to salvage, the BEST parts of steem to be used in Voice. Voice may not be THAT different from steem you know. My idea for EOS SCOt reward pools may actually be close to hat Voice gives us I bet Dan Larimer may really enjoy looking at Scotbot settings on or whatever now works @cadawg what site shows scot settings now?

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