Join APPICS! Facebook Now Completely Controls Instagram: Even More Reason To Be On the Steem Blockchain

in #appics6 years ago (edited)

How many of you are on Instagram? As I shared last week it's the one centralized habit I just can't break! I'm hoping APPICS will change that especially after the news I received last week!!


On top of being centralized, Facebook has just stuck its greedy controlling data-mining paw further into Instagram! Last week I got this email:

Screen Shot 2018-05-02 at 9.54.10 AM.png

And further down:

We receive different kinds of information from your device, like how you tap and scroll, which can help distinguish humans from bots and detect fraud.

The policy has more information about what we collect from your activity and our partners, how we connect information across the Facebook Companies and personalize your experience, including ads.

After the data breech on Facebook, knowing that they're making money selling our data and "research" how we click and scroll so they can make the platform more addictive.

No really, see this news article for more on that. The people who started originally creating the swipe and scroll method's children all go to private elite schools where the kids aren't allowed to use smartphones and they themselves use apps to limit time spent on these addictive social media sites that are designed that way!

As Mike Parker, an early Facebook App Designer, says in Addiction for Fun and Profit:

“The thought process was all about, ‘How do we consume as much of your time and conscious attention as possible?’,” he said. “And that means that we need to sort of give you a little dopamine hit every once in a while, because someone liked or commented on a photo or a post or whatever, and that’s going to get you to contribute more content, and that’s going to get you more likes and comments. It’s a social validation feedback loop. … You’re exploiting a vulnerabilty in human psychology.”

About a week ago, I shared with you all a few reasons why I am so excited about APPICS, one of the first Smart Media Tokens (SMTs) on the Steem Blockchain.

Their Tokensale for XAP has ended, but keep an eye out for the coin on the exchanges. You can also participate in their Bounty Program which will earn you stake in the coin once it goes public!

Great design!

But today I'm writing to share that you can become an APPICS early tester

Click Here to Become an Early Tester

No guarantees that signing up will get you in as an early tester, but it's worth a shot!

And for those who have had a hard time with the difficult learning curve that is (and associated sites), hopefully APPICS will be better!

As they say on their twitter:

To use APPICS, there is no prior knowledge about crypto needed – everybody can benefit from the system effortlessly, receiving cryptocurrency tokens for their social media activity.
This creates a unique community that represents crypto enthusiasts and average social media users.


Why I'm Telling All My Friends

I believe that what is happening here is a human revolution beyond just social media. This relates to us taking our power, intellectual rights and creatorship back from an elite that has consistently made money off of us, sold our data, controlled what gets to be seen and how/when we can say it.

Many people are slow on the uptake of this, but I hope by many of us sharing it over a period of time, people will start to realize that

Their images and words are worth something!

That's the amazing aspect of the Steem Blockchain and the platforms built on top of it and further SMTs coming down the line. We are the earners and no one can shut down our voices!!

You're time is worth something; use it wisely online!


This is a revolution and I know I'll look around and see many of you there with us (I already am! Hey!) and hope many more will follow!




Still using instagram, I gave an engaged community of followers there that are not over here. Barely use facebook but still update fir same reason. Being aware they are just networks, I try to think of ALL networks as tools to reach. All can rise and fall,so hope to update my site soon.

for sure. as a long term strategy i hope that many of those whom we try to reach on those social media sites will come over to the decentralized side :)

Great information @mountainjewel! Something we all need to be aware of. I was not aware that Facebook owned Instagram too. scary stuff.

yes.. i was aware of this, but this email really shocked me. i love my insta community and don't want to leave them! but after this facebook data breech, i'm just not really interested in being a part of their workings anymore!!!

I do not use instagram any more, I think instagram and facebook are not safe for private data, they can use our data without our approval. but anyway there are many profit to joint steemit and blockchain @mountainjewel

exactly; they aren't safe... i hope more and more realize this. and for sure many profits here, i hope more of my social media communities start to realize this :)

Clicked on the TESTER link!!!

You know what I'll like to see is a Pinterest on the blockchain.

hahaha cool hope to see you there senor coco. that would be sweet!!!!

I hope so... with spring and summer I may take a break from social media (not too much from steemit though, my blog is finally growing a bit!), but you'll see me!

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