Appics ICO & Decreasing STEEM Price! Let's Talk About it!

in #appics7 years ago

Hey Steemians,

I hope you had a good day today?
I had a really great day. We won the game today and we are still on the way to become again champion.

Do you remember when I talked about Appics? I did it a lot of times. And also in this video.

sadly the post I mention in the Video no longer exist. I don't know why but it is like that.
But I will write another on about the Focusing Illusion

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Ich bin ein voller Steemian!! Aber die Probleme bei Steemit lassen sich auch nicht schön reden und werden immer mehr, siehe dtube, videos lassen sich oft schon nach einer Woche nicht mehr abspielen, auch deine @modernpastor. Neue Steemians müssen oft bis zu 2 Wochen warten auf ihre keys, das Problem mit der Bandbreite wird vollkommen Ignorriert und nicht kommendiert Seitens Steemit. Und Und Und....
Denoch bin ich auf Steemit und besuche und halte selber Meetups ab. Da ich glaube das es eine Chance gibt. Gespannt sein darf man auf den 1.Juni wenn EOS mit ihrer Plattform an den Start gehen. @dan (auch einer der Steemit Gründer) will mit seiner neuen Plattform alle Fehler verbessern die auf Steemit sind.
Jedenfalls hatte ich seit Yahoo oder ICQ nicht mehr so viel Spaß wie jetzt auf Steemit. In diesem Sinne Steem On!! lg

I am a full Steemian !! But the problems with Steemit are synonymous not nice talk and are more and more, see dtube, videos can often play after a week no longer play, even your @modernpastor. New Steemians often have to wait up to 2 weeks for their keys, the bandwidth problem is completely ignored and not on the part of Steemit. And and and....
But, I'm on Steemit and visiting and hold Meetups myself. Because I think there is a chance. You can be curious about the 1st of June when EOS start with their platform. @dan (also one of the founders of Steem) wants to improve with his new platform all the mistakes that are on Steemit.
Anyway, I have so much much fun since Yahoo or ICQ, with Steemit. In this sense Steem On !! lg

Ps.: have a nice trip to Roma, and bring some points for the UEFA ranking!!

Hey du :) Danke für diesen tollen, ausführlichen Kommentar.
Ich gebe dir definitiv recht. Das mit den Videos z.b war mir gar nicht bewusst. Was sehr schade ist.
Auch das mit den neuen Usern, war mir nicht so deutlich präsent. Das sie schon 2 Wochen warten müssen geht meiner Meinung nach gar nicht.

Also das nenne ich mal ein ganz kontraproduktiven Onboarding Prozess.
Ich hoffe auch das schenllstens Vernesserungen sichtbar werden.

P.S Aber natürlich doch :)

I do also believe in Appics and I am sure it will succeed.

Oh yes, I believe it also :)

Well my opinion is, there are two much icos on the market and everyone saying the same stuff, like there ico is coming to fix problems on the previous icos. I think, icos creators know that, after the success of Bitcoin, only few clever people have had the chance to take advantage at the early age of bitcoin and now i think they know that people don't want to lose the chance to invest in an ico which can be like the bitcoin. My opinion is, at the end of the road, we need some deep restructuration and some regulations laws that can help investors trust icos.
Great post by the way.

Totally agree with you, my friend.
Because​ of that,​ I am really careful with ICOs. As I said this is my second one in nearly one year and in the first one I joined just to join​ with a ​really small amount.

I said to myself that I need to know so much when I invest in an ICO and with Appics it's the case.
One big reason is that they are German​ and easy to reach for me.

Thank you my friend :)

AHH, german and their legendary efficacity. I agree with that, even here in my country we are looking for machines made in germany because we trust their made more than anything else. I bet you are a veteran in ico now and know pretty well what to look for. Let say, we as beginners, will stuck on your steem feed to be on the page and try to catch the good opportunities at the good times.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with us.

Yes, my friend. I am not talking so much about ICO but when than you can be sure that it really interesting​ and worth looking :)

Really good point you made about what you 'earn' on the other platforms....Zero, ziltch. Nada.

I just told a friend of mine on Facebook, this is the only platform I use daily. Sure I mess with Twitter, Instagram and Facebook....But that's literally to drive traffic to my Steemit blog lol

Heck if I get a penny from an upvote, it's more than I'll get using the centralized ones.

That alone, makes me bullish on Steemit and Appics too. Can't wait to see that app launch!

Oh, I am also excited to see the app in action.
I wrote about Steephot. Do you use this ap or did you already try it?
Would love to hear your opinion about that.

I just tried it last night. Yeah man, saw you new post. About to go watch it.

But yeah man, so far the app for me has been flawless.

This is good to hear my friend.
I will see if I will use it more often.

Sportlich läuft es ja auch bei dir :) Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Marktwert Gewinn auf 1,5 Millionen auf Transfermarkt und viel Erfolg weiterhin in der Liga und in der Europa League! :)

Good words! Love the message at the end. We should have fun, winning comes later.

Glad that you see it that way :)
I truly believe that.

So many ICOs out there. I am not sure if Appics is worth it.

I believe in it ^^

A good post dear @modernpastor. Now it is April, I wonder when the APPICS will start.

Yea the message have been past across, i guess its all about having fun and feeling free to express one's self

Yes, my friend. I think you hit a point :)

Ich bin mir nicht sicher ob du dass schon gemacht hast, aber falls nicht sag den Leuten bei Appics mal bescheid, dass du über die ein Video gemacht hast, weil die das dann Upvoten :P

Ne habe ich nicht^^

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