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RE: The Pleasure of doing nothing.

in #appics5 years ago

Man this sounds like Stephy today, hey girl!

You’re really bad at this, you know? You see.. I moved cross country after escaping an abusive relationship that lasted more than 10 years. In my old location I would go out to the woods to my spot to escape and try to fix myself mentally, in hopes that would fix the situation. It didn’t work..

Yes I have bought a small portion of my parents ranch and am building a house on it now (which I have mentioned repeatedly) .. takes a bit as I’m doing it myself with my step fathers help, and on a specific budget, but it’s coming along.

If you don’t like me.. that’s cool, I don’t blame you.but you can’t seem to get anything right about me.. as I don’t work for Steemit Inc and never have (in fact they don’t like me much), I most definitely don’t want the price to tank as I have made absolutely nothing from this place and won’t unless STEEM is successful and my stake is worth way more than it is now, I’ve never met bernie, I don’t control any other accounts and no large accounts do my bidding, or any other bs you like to throw around as “fact.” This is getting absurd. I can throw my own facts around too, but I would prefer to just cut the BS.

You aren’t an anonymous person behind a screen, and I think you have forgotten that. The things you do have consequences just like the rest of us.

Harassing and slandering people is unacceptable, even when you try to convince yourself it’s for the “good” of the people. Just like your attacks on Elsie and other dtube girls wasn’t for the good of the people months ago, it was just because you are a horrid individual who is jealous of anyone who gets more attention than you and your response is to harass them in the most vulgar ways. It’s not a great method, to be honest. You could just be yourself here and probably do quite well. Instead you have decided to hide behind names and attack individuals.. but you don’t hide well 🙂

If you feel you know so much about me and try to pretend you have doxxed me, stop by for a visit.. I’d love to give you a hug, as it seems you need one desperately.

Otherwise just cut the crap and do something useful with your life.

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