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RE: #punchanazi - Antifa - BAMN

in #antifa7 years ago (edited)

Antifa are the Nazi Fascists and making more right wing fascists.
Two sides to a coin but the same coin.

Imagine a world where I can tell the Nazis and the commies and antifa and every other stupid hive mind mentality brain washed religion that they are stupid. oh that's called reality.

I cant wait till antifa drink the koolaid....... its the best part of the cult story.


So the guy that wishes a Jonestown scenario on a group of people, on a thread he created to spread propaganda against an anti-Nazi organization, is trying to convince me that he is not a Nazi.


Still trying to call me a Nazi?
What % of the usa is Nazi?
How many of the people that antifa beat up Were Nazis?

The bullshit you play is the same Marxist bullshi that groups like blm preach. violent group claim they are about peace.

If I knew antifa and the Nazis and all the other bullshit groups wernt such pussies I would tell you to kill yourself. Wont happen though, antifa is the bitch type to get others to take them out cause they to pussy to do it them self. susicide by cop and pussy shit like that.

If you really want to make a sound that the world will listen to, mass group susicide. Hopefully the Nazis and all the others will follow suit ad then the rest of us individuals will go back to living a lot happier then while you are all alive

Wow, I seem to have really set you off. You don't make a very convincing argument with this sort of rhetoric. It's pretty obvious to anyone reading this that you do not hold the moral high ground.

hmmm, lets see.
I said fuck fascisim, fuck Nazis fuck antifa umm oh fuck religion and all Marxist bullshit and oh the cult and hivemind mentality. and umm yeah that they are stupid and would make the world a better place if they killed them self so everyone elese ouldnt have to deal with them trying to push their idealogs onto others forcefully like the Nazis and the commies did in the past.
Moral high ground your looking for after your original argument was that beating 53% of all white women was to many it should be about 13% of all white women in the uusa should get a beat down?
Fuck you yo, your one sick fuck trying to justifiy violence over words and ideas.
Kill yourself, please!

Wow, you seem to be monumentally uninformed.

If it comes to finding a reasoned argument, I'd bet on @skeptic all day long before I'd back the likes of you, an obvious communist.

If I were you, I'd educate myself before continuing to demonstrate such obvious ignorance on a permanent blockchain.

I am not a communist, I am a Democratic Socialist. If you are too lazy to do your homework and learn the difference, I am not going to waste my time trying to educate you.

Same result. I wouldn't take education from you if I was paid. Insults do not constitute reason.

I am not living in a democracy, thank God, if there is one, and socialism is only communism by a subtly different means.

You've apparently wasted all the time that you've lived so far. I'd recommend that you actually do the work to gain the knowledge you need to understand what you are talking about.

Please go back and start with the Trivium, the Quadrivium, and natural law. This is only the basics needed for an understanding of the atrocities of democracy and socialism.

Not exactly sure what Trivium and Quadrivium philosophies and theologies have to do with the conversation. Are you part of some classical education movement? I'm not really a fan of liberal arts. I'm more of a practical kind of guy.
As far as "natural law" is concerned, Democracy and Socialism are very much a part of nature. We see it in nature all the time.
If insults do not constitute reason, you are clearly being unreasonable. Either that, or a huge hypocrite.

So, what you are saying is that you don't see what part grammar, logic, and classical rhetoric has in every argument. Did I get that right?

I have no theology to sell. Keep exposing your ignorance for all to see.

I can tell that you are no fan of classical liberal arts. Unfortunately, for you, this means that you don't even know what 'practical' means.

Democracy and socialism can be understood through the use of natural law. It's just that this understanding shows these ideologies to be catastrophically flawed, and unworkable in a human society. Democracy is the mentality of the mob, like a stampeding herd, or a plague of locusts, and socialism is the domain of slime mold and biofilms, not People.

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