
Russian fascists did this. Russian fascists are currently pulling the strings of your president.

How deluded are you exactly?

Come back when you have a reasoned argument, instead of flailing lack of reason.

One man's delusion is another man's enlightenment. In my view, it is deluded to take up ranks with Nazis. In your view, it is deluded to take up ranks against them.
Clinton won the popular vote by 2 million. Trump's approval rating is at 34%. Demographic studies show that the majority of college graduates voted for Clinton. The numbers don't lie. I am confident that I am on the right side of history. I trust educated voters and college professors more than I trust internet trolls that are possibly working for the Kremlin.
I'm not going anywhere, so I won't need to come back.

One man's delusion is another man's enlightenment.

That statement is truly a demonstration of delusion.

I knew it was only a matter of time until you accused me of siding with National socialists. The more you attempt to argue, the more you show yourself to be an unreasoning, ignorant individual.

Clinton is the worst candidate ever fielded by any party. I don't care what the masses say about it. This is not a democracy, it is a constitutional republic. I won't even bother defending Trump at this point. His actions are indefensible. He has accomplished none of what he promised, and, it appears, will not, but at least he's not a Clinton, or a Bush.

This is not a false choice between 'educated voters and college professors' and 'internet trolls that are possibly working for the Kremlin'. If you think schools in the U.S.A. are turning out educated individuals or retaining professors who don't toe the establishment line, you are gravely mistaken. This is about individual natural rights, and the freedom from their violation.

It appears that you can not have a reasoned argument, and can only accuse those who disagree with you of being National socialist, or Working for the Russians, or both in the same comment. This is clear irrationality.

If you don't think numbers can be made to misrepresent the truth, then you might want to go take a class in statistics, but, as we have already established, knowledge and understanding aren't things in which you are interested. For instance, 'the right side of history' is another clear logical fallacy, but without the Trivium, in which you've stated no interest, you wouldn't recognize it as such. Fallacy is not argument. It is sophistry.

If you are not going anywhere, how about a single reasoned argument, just one? I dare you to try to make a single argument without using a solid wall of logical fallacy. I don't think you can do it.

If you were not so deluded that you believe you are enlightened, you would understand the statement. I guess If you were self aware enough to consider the possibility that you may actually be either or both, we wouldn't be having this little conversation.

You hit a lot of the classic Libertarian talking points. I gotta be honest with you. Because I am both a crypto-currency enthusiast and a socialist, I have already had this conversation hundreds of times. Of those conversations, I have only seen one person flip from libertarian to socialist. I could always copy-paste a bunch of stuff from old conversations, or open up my meme stash and drown you with liberal propaganda. I can upvote each post and get $.06 for each of them. What I will not do is waste my time generating original content for a bonehead like you. Fucking libertarian liberal arts students read a couple books and take a couple classes, and suddenly they think they got the whole world figured out. You can't teach a person anything if they think they already know everything. Wait until the cold water hits you, and you finally learn that you don't know a damned thing. You obviously haven't been there yet, but the day will come. It does for everyone.

If you are actually interested to know why I am a Democratic Socialist, please read this blog post.

Here is your single reasoned argument. Only 1% of this country voted for Gary Johnson. Doesn't it seem a bit arrogant and unreasonable to believe that 1% of Americans have somehow figured out something that 99% of us haven't? We live in the communication age. Every American has access to the Ayn Rand books, the Ron Paul websites, and all the other kooky propaganda that brainwashes you guys. Do you believe the 1% of American Gary Johnson voters were "awake" and that the other 99% of Americans are a bunch of "sheeple" that just don't get it? Do you believe yourself superior to all of them? Are you prepared to admit you are part of a tiny fringe cult of gullible political neophytes and misinformed conspiracy theorists? I did it. I was a libertarian myself. I ate the red pill and went all the way to the bottom of the rabbit hole. At the bottom, all I found was Alex Jones selling supplements and water filters, and David Icke talking about lizard people from outer space. You guys are a joke, and you are too stupid to notice that 99% of Americans are laughing at you.

Name calling, threats, and false accusations is all you've got. I never voted for Gary 'Aleppo' Johnson. The more false accusations you level, the more that people will see what you are.

I was where you are over fifteen years ago, and was able to reason my way out. It's clear that you won't. I've had this conversation thousands of times, and defended many different positions. You have presented me with nothing close to new.

I expect idiots to laugh at me. Their inability to comprehend simple things leaves only the option to ridicule or fear what they don't understand. Also, yes, the majority of the human population are somewhat less than what could be called intelligent. I know my IQ. I am not worried if 999,999 out of every million laughs at me. The rest and I can be friends.

At least come up with some original insults, if that's all you can present as reasoned argument. I've heard all of these many many times before, they're boring, and inaccurate. From what I've seen of you, so far, I don't think you could generate original content if you tried. Go ahead, I dare you to try to be original. Nothing in any of you comments has surprised me so far, except maybe your profound lack of knowledge and insight. If you had actually come to enlightenment, been red pilled, and had the benefit of the Trivium as intellectual self defense, you might have found the truth, but instead you thought that because David Icke is crazy or lying, that everything is BS. I assure you the truth exists, it's somewhere in this world, and right now you are very cold, and not getting any warmer, boring.

You and your fucking Trivium. You sound like a Bible thumper or a Scientologist. They often talk about turning to their faith in a specific system as "intellectual self defense."
Did the nice people that gave you the book tell you how smart and special you are? Man, there's a sucker born every minute. Fortunately for civilization, only one in a million are naive enough to buy into such nonsense.

Grammar, logic, and classical rhetoric has nothing to do with faith and everything to do with having a method of understanding the natural world and the parameters that we all must function within. Civilization exists because of the ability to use grammar, logic, and classical rhetoric to understand what can and cannot be accomplished.

Are you seriously suggesting that the thought tools which brought humanity such things as physics is a religion? I wouldn't continue that line of argument in public, it doesn't cast you in an intelligent light.

More name calling and false accusations do not make a reasoned argument.


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