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RE: #punchanazi - Antifa - BAMN

in #antifa7 years ago

I don't need to imagine that I am living in a world where National socialists are marching in the streets.

I AM living in a world where communists are, not just marching, but are beating people bloody, for exercising free speech, and burning down civilization. These Antifa are promoting an ideology that has easily killed more than 20 times the number killed by National socialists, who are, after all, socialists.

Antifa ARE the people that they hate, commit violence against, and of whom they destroy the property. The only difference is that National socialists want to subjugate those within their own borders, borders that they admittedly want to expand. Communists want to subjugate the entire human population, and will murder anyone who gets in their way.


I haven't seen any communist flags at any of these protests, however I have seen Nazi and Confederate flags.
Civilization is currently burning as a result of global warming. Idiots on the right think that God is punishing us for letting gay people get married, while scientists on the left are trying to tell us to quit destroying the planet.
I live in Portland, Oregon. I know some very radically left people. I have attended some very radically left events. I have never met an actual communist. I have met tons of socialists, but no communists. None of them are interested in subjugating or killing people. They just want healthcare and a livable wage for working-class people.
Some members of Antifa choose to get violent with Nazis because they feel that that is the appropriate thing to do when confronting someone that believes you don't have a right to exist.


If you haven't seen communist flags, it can only be because you are blind or not bothering to look.

It's almost cute that you still believe in, what I assume you mean, human caused climate change. All the information needed to understand the fallacy of this is available to anyone who will do the work to understand it. We do need to stop destroying our home, dumping chemicals in our food, water, air, and land, but climate change is not the fault of humans, and carbon dioxide is not a pollutant at even 1500 parts per billion, let alone the lower amount that we have now. Wow, did you pick the wrong subject to argue with me. I started out, a decade ago, as a global warming alarmist. When I actually, finally, decided to do the work to understand it then it quickly became apparent that there are more holes in the global warming argument than there is fact stringing the holes together. Global warming is all about appeal to emotion, specifically fear.

The scientific method is not 'left' or 'right'. That you think it is, is very telling.

They just want healthcare and a livable wage for working-class people.

They actually want people who are not responsible for these things to pay for them, enforced by the power of the state. Theft, in short, typical socialists, expecting others to subsidize their failure.

Some members of Antifa choose to get violent with what are not actual Nazis because these Antifa are violent, and they don't respect individual natural rights. They are immoral and criminal, pure and simple.

If you think a black and red anarcho-syndicalist flag is a communist flag, you need to do your homework.
OK, so you don't believe human activity has caused climate change, eh? I guess 97% consensus just isn't enough for some people. Some people think the Earth is flat. Some people think the moon landing was fake. I guess I shouldn't be surprised.
As far as the kids and agent provocateurs getting violent and destructive goes, I don't support that. There are more effective means of resistance.
We already live with many aspects of socialism. It is part of living in a modern country. Libertarianism is antiquated. It's a childish pipe-dream that only 1% of the country believes in enough to actually vote for a guy like Gary Johnson. I am not impressed.

The communist flag is one of the signatures of the Antifa group.

Science doesn't, and never has, operated by consensus, 97% or otherwise.

Here, again, we see the reliance on logical fallacy. Your straw man implying that I have ever said anything about the moon landing being fake is more fallacious dissembling.

Then we have appeal to common practice, appeal to novelty, ad hominem, appeal to popularity, and an appeal to that which does not impress you, which, I think is actually an appeal to personal incredulity. All these fallacies are packed into the last four lines. That is quite a feat of abuse of logic.

You are not getting any better at this argument thing, are you?

Please show me a picture of one of these communist flags. I have literally never seen a communist flag at any rally I have attended or viewed footage of.
Also, take your pseudo-science and armchair psychology and stuff it.

Take the ignorance, lack of intelligence, and lack of creativity, and wallow in it, it seems to be your forte'.

You have failed to respond to any of my comments with reasoned argument. Every thing is name calling, lack of comprehension, and misinterpretation.

What part do you think is pseudo-science and what part do you think is armchair psychology?

All of it.
I'm getting drunk and stoned while I make money playing video games. I am also watching Irma destroy Florida while simultaneously trolling social media. I will be giving myself a nickel for each comment.
I'm going to say whatever the fuck I want, and I hope that it infuriates you. I have a 146 IQ. I have enough brain cells that I kill them with alcohol just for fun. That being said, I am still not willing to devote any more than the bare-fucking minimum necessary to continue this absurd conversation, that I may continue giving myself nickels and irritating/occupying people like you. You are my play thing.

You my dullard steemian are three standard deviations beneath me. You might think 146 is a respectable IQ, but I eat dimwits like you for breakfast. It's hilarious when people with less than 150 IQs start bragging about how smart they are.

I still haven't seen anything out of you that would convince me of an IQ over 90 in your case. If you can't do anything better with your middling intellect than get drunk, stoned, troll (admittedly), and play video games, then you are exactly who I thought you are.

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