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RE: #punchanazi - Antifa - BAMN

in #antifa7 years ago

Take the ignorance, lack of intelligence, and lack of creativity, and wallow in it, it seems to be your forte'.

You have failed to respond to any of my comments with reasoned argument. Every thing is name calling, lack of comprehension, and misinterpretation.

What part do you think is pseudo-science and what part do you think is armchair psychology?


All of it.
I'm getting drunk and stoned while I make money playing video games. I am also watching Irma destroy Florida while simultaneously trolling social media. I will be giving myself a nickel for each comment.
I'm going to say whatever the fuck I want, and I hope that it infuriates you. I have a 146 IQ. I have enough brain cells that I kill them with alcohol just for fun. That being said, I am still not willing to devote any more than the bare-fucking minimum necessary to continue this absurd conversation, that I may continue giving myself nickels and irritating/occupying people like you. You are my play thing.

You my dullard steemian are three standard deviations beneath me. You might think 146 is a respectable IQ, but I eat dimwits like you for breakfast. It's hilarious when people with less than 150 IQs start bragging about how smart they are.

I still haven't seen anything out of you that would convince me of an IQ over 90 in your case. If you can't do anything better with your middling intellect than get drunk, stoned, troll (admittedly), and play video games, then you are exactly who I thought you are.

You have no idea who the fuck I am. If you would read the blog I linked, you might get a clue.
I know that 146 is just barely into the genius category. I'm just barely a genius. I'm smart enough to figure out how to make money playing video games, so I feel blessed.
I do what feels good. Occupying the time and energy of people like you is how I get my kicks. At least I am self aware enough to acknowledge that I am trolling. I'm sure you have some euphemism that your little cult or whatever uses in place of trolling, but that's all just another flavor of kool-aid to critical thinkers that know better.

I've known a hundred just like you. I don't need to know who the fuck you are, I know what you are, whoever you are has been no less than pointless in a debate. I read the blog, it's not much different than the rest of the irrational flailing that I've seen so far. Zinn and Chomsky are both known shills, and Obamacare is malignant trash designed to break the healthcare system and cripple the middle class. It may have saved a few people a few dollars once, but socialized healthcare is a disaster in the long term. Obama, himself, Is an admitted communist sympathizer, and an associate of known terrorists. I don't think he is a Muslim, he is left handed, but Presidential he is not. It turns out that you know even less about the healthcare system than the rest of your attempts at understanding. It is highly unlikely that any minds will be unlocked by blog posts that demonstrate such a clear lack of understanding of all the subjects discussed therein.

Reason and logic are not quite what I'd call trolling, but since you've attempted to use none, I suspect that you don't know what reason and logic are. Reason and logic are the tools of critical thinking. Facts stand on their own, without insults, without ridiculous arguments that you'd like to attribute to me, in which I never had any part.

Doing what feels good has no part in critical thinking. At least you know that the reason you troll is because it's how you get boners.

I can honestly say trolling has never given me a boner. I will admit, there have been a couple times I have seen nsfw stuff here on steemit that got me going, but I seriously have no idea how the conversation ended up here, you fucking pervert.

'Getting your kicks' is usually a reference to sexual arousal, in case you didn't know.

Drunk, stoned, and playing video games is not anything less than perversion for someone who needs the future to sustain a family.

Do you know the meaning of any of the words you use?

Urban dictionary defines it as "doing something for fun." Nothing at all sexualized about the definition. That was all you. You fucking pervert.

My future is set. I have been mining crypto since before it was cool. I have been living comfortably off my investments since 2013.
I'm looking at buying a house in Eugene by the end of the year. Our cost of living is about to drop by about 30 percent, and our quality of life is about to increase dramatically. Our future gets brighter every day.
Now if you will excuse me, I have rents to collect, vendors to stock, and dragons to kill.

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