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RE: Antifa Activities Labelled "Domestic Terrorist Violence" By Department Of Homeland Security - Mainstream Media Outlets Double-Down On Propaganda To Support Antifa Anyway

in #antifa7 years ago (edited)

Due to the petition at WhiteHouse.Gov reaching 250k signatures, the White House is now required to formally respond to this issue:

Antif 5.png

Whether they will update Antifa's status or do nothing, officially, remains to be seen.

Here is the direct quote from Politico. How "official" this is seems to be up for some degree of interpretation:

"so much so that the Department of Homeland Security formally classified their activities as “domestic terrorist violence,” according to interviews and confidential law enforcement documents obtained by POLITICO."

I think this particular issue is coming to a head, and it won't be long before we get some more news on it.

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