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RE: Antifa / Nazi / Fascism - Those Who Don't Know History Are Doomed To Repeat It, especially if they give into Appeals To Authority from Professors

in #antifa6 years ago

Yeah Fascisms only real difference from Socialism is that the corporations aren't state owned. Instead they are private corporations in cahoots with the government.

Anyways I went through a whole ridiculous situation on facebook back when the Charlottesville incident happened and it was just really crazy how militant the Antifa supporters were on my facebook. I literally got called out and tagged as a racist because I made a status pleeing for people to not promote violence, regardless of the side.

Its been proven time and time again that George Soros is NOT a good influence on national economies. He just put up a bunch of money for all of the "trump refugees" to come to Canada, and a lot of our independant reporters exposed the kind of people that were coming over. Hardly refugees, a lot of them are illegal immigrants escaping arrest. A lot of them are financially well off - gold chains, watches, multiple cell phones etc.


I've come to the conclusion that we should not be calling these people immigrants. We shouldn't even be calling them illegal immigrants.

We should call them invaders... I think this warrants a post.

indeed. I had worked on a huge post way back then but I somehow flailed it. People really need to start thinking about the whole picture rather than regurgitate their liberal arts school professors. I went to a liberal arts school and I only just un-brainwashed myself a couple of years ago when I reallly started to comprehend how inefficient and corrupt our governments are.

immigration without assimilation is invasion
Bobby Jindal

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